Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures

Shields can be used by these classes: Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Warlord. The shield is held in the character's off hand, so it can't be equipped if the character is using a two-handed weapon.

Classes that can use shields cannot dual-wield. The two abilities are mutually exclusive.

Name Buy Sell AC ATT HP ST CO DE IN WI CH Dr Cn Gn Ma Tr Un
Angelsteel Shield 680 27 2 1
Bashing Shield 2600 63 3 3
Darkleaf Shield 680 27 2 1
Dragondaunt Shield 520 18 2 1
Healer's Shield 3400 72 3 10 2
Heavy Shield 9 2
Heavy Shield +1 840 36 3
Mithral Shield 1800 54 3 3
Shield of Defiance 1000 45 2 3
Spellshield 3400 72 4 2
Wyrmguard Shield 5000 90 5 4

All items (12)
