Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures

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Attack Bonus and Intelligence checks occur more often in dungeons.

Level 1[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(3) Traps[]
(2) Undead[]

Armor Class (0)[]

Attack Bonus (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME was lazing around, minding his/her own business, when a kobold suddenly came charging out of the darkness!

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4)

Reacting quickly, NAME calmly ATTACKED the kobold with his/her WEAPONTYPE and mortally wounded it. He/She then relieved the body of its valuables.

  • 69 XP
  • 15-20 gold

NAME managed to strike first, but failed to do much damage. This, of course, meant the kobold got to swing back, and the results of that were not pretty. At least NAME eventually killed and looted it.

  • 10 damage
  • 25 XP
  • 4 gold
A giant rat advanced menacingly on NAME . . .

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4x2,5x3)

NAME leapt to his/her right, dodged to his/her left, and then wickedly ATTACKED the rat with his/her WEAPON. It twitched feebly once before rolling over dead. NAME searched the rat's nest and found some items of value that it had collected.
  • 74 XP
  • 13-19 gold
NAME failed miserably with his/her first attempt to hit the rat, and took a nasty bite to the leg in return. The good news was that he/she finished it off shortly thereafter and found a few valuables in its nest. The bad news was that his/her leg was suddenly a lot less useful.
  • 4 damage
  • -3 Dexterity for 4 encounters
  • 25 XP
  • 2 gold
A zombie, mumbling incoherently, made its way toward NAME. . .

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

NAME had no trouble getting the jump on the slow moving zombie and made short work of it with his/her WEAPON.

  • 76 XP
  • 23-24 gold
NAME missed with his/her initial attack, and took a hard hit before finally dispatching his/her rotting foe.
  • 5 damage
  • 38 XP
  • 10 gold

NAME came across a small party of goblins sleeping around the remains of a recent meal.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

He/she crept up quietly and got the jump on them, dispatching them with relative ease.

He/She leaped from the shadows with his/her WEAPON extended, but misjudged the distance. He/she tripped over a sleeping goblin and landed face-first in the remains of their dinner. NAME barely managed to scramble to his/her feet before the goblins awoke and attacked. He/She took a few solid blows but rallied to defeat the groggy goblins in the end.
  • 9 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 5 gold

Charisma (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME arrived at a T-shaped intersection where a dwarven man stood guard. NAME decided to talk his/her way through this one.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4,5)

Using all of his/her cunning, NAME convinced the dwarf that s/he was his long-lost cousin. Not only did s/he get directions, but s/he got an item and some dwarven perfume as well!

Sadly, the dwarf wasn't in the mood for conversation.

  • 22 XP

NAME ran into another party of adventurers deep within the bowels of the dungeon . . .

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

. . . and quickly befriended the group. They exchanged some gifts (NAME came out ahead, of course), and the cleric even blessed his/her weapon! FAIL TEXT

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME ventured into an abandoned kitchen where he discovered some soup in a stone bowl. "EAT THIS" was scratched into the table beside it. Suspicious. Who knew how long it had been there . . .

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1)

The taste was horribly foul, but thanks to his cast-iron stomach, NAME managed to keep it down. Good thing, too, because after a few minutes he/she began to feel much more powerful. The taste was so foul that NAME couldn't keep it down. He/She spent what seemed like forever doubled over, gagging and retching. Gross!

Dexterity (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
A poison dart suddenly sprang from the wall next to NAME!

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4,5)

She/he nimbly dodged aside, avoiding the trap, and soon found the reason that someone had trapped the corridor in the first place.

  • 83 XP
  • 13-22 gold
It hit her/him right in the neck. That must have hurt . . .

As NAME entered a treasure-filled room, a spray of acid shot out at him/her!

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6x3)

NAME twisted out of the way with lightning speed. He/she avoided most of the acid, but still got hit by some of the spray. At least there was tons of treasure! NAME completely failed to get out of the way and was drenched by the acid. It was painful for both him/her and his/her armor. Worse yet, the spray from the acid was wide enough that much of the treasure was ruined too.
  • 7 damage
  • -4 Armor Class for 10 encounters
  • 22 XP
  • 4-5 gold

Intelligence (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME wandered down an empty hallway . . .

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4,5)

. . . and spotted a stone protruding slightly from the wall along with some suspicious cracks. He/She pushed the stone, and the wall slid back to reveal a stockpile of treasure!

. . . and noticed nothing except for a few gold coins he/she found scattered on the floor. NAME managed to pick up several coins before triggering the flame jet trap.
  • 4-10 damage
  • 20 XP
  • 5-7 gold

NAME arrived at a four-way intersection deep within the dungeon. He/She could hear clanging sounds from one path, detect a foul smell from another, and feel a cold breeze from the third.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #5,6)

NAME learned in Dungeon Adventuring 101 that clanging sounds and cold breezes were bad news and chose the smelly path. He/She was delighted to find that it led to an unguarded pile of treasure.
  • 55 XP
  • 11-18 gold
NAME made the snap decision to take the path with the clanging sounds. See, he/she had failed Dungeon Adventuring 101, where you learn that clanging sounds equal a party of goblins, and a goblin party equals bad times for adventurers. He/She was lucky to escape with his/her life.
  • 4-7 damage
  • 16 XP

NAME came across a horde of decrepit skeletons shambling down a corridor toward him.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

Luckily, NAME had literally just avoided tripping a boulder trap a second ago. S/He went back, tripped it intentionally, and ducked into a side passage. The sound of crunching bones was quite satisfying.s
  • 91 XP
  • 18-23 gold
NAME raised his/her WEAPON TYPE and charged. He/She took several hits during the pitched battle, but was victorious in the end.
  • 10-11 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 8-10 gold

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Rounding a turn in the dungeon, NAME was confronted by a large locked door.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #4,6)

NAME took a few steps back, ran forward, and smashed into the door with enough force to break it in half. He/She was delighted to find that treasure awaited behind it. Try as he/she might, NAME could not break down the door. He/She did manage to break his/her shoulder though.
  • 4-9 damage
  • 24 XP

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME entered a cavern and found an overturned mine cart with the lower half of a human body jutting out from under it. Chunks of silver ore were scattered about the room.

(found in Stronghold of the Drow, encounter #6)

Scouting carefully, NAME spotted a tripline extending out from underneath the cart. He/she wisely decided to leave the cart alone and simply gathered up the valuable ore.

  • 61 XP
  • 23-24 gold

NAME quickly rushed to pull out the body, but as soon as the cart crashed to the ground, a sonic trap triggered! NAME, dazed and bleeding from the ears, still managed to gather up some ore before moving on.

  • 6-7 damage
  • -3 Wisdom for 2 encounters
  • 15 XP
  • 5-7 gold

===Level 2===

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(5) Magic[]
(6) Traps[]
(4) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

With a screech, a shadowhunter bat flew out of the shadows in the corridor ahead -- and straight for NAME.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3,5) (found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

Flattening him/herself against the wall, he/she escaped harm. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his/her WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. Perhaps that's why it was so angry . . . He/She kept his/her head out of the way, but his/her shoulder was not so lucky. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. perhaps that's why it was so angry . . .
  • 7-12 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 11-14 gold

Attack Bonus (9)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME was lazing around, minding his/her own business, when a kobold suddenly came charging out of the darkness!

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1,2)

Reacting quickly, NAME calmly ATTACKED the kobold with his/her WEAPONTYPE and mortally wounded it. He/she then relieved the body of its valuables.
  • 69 XP
  • 13-19 gold
NAME managed to strike first, but failed to do much damage. This, of course, meant the kobold got to swing back, and the results of that were not pretty. At least NAME eventually killed and looted it.
  • 7-10 damage
  • 25 XP
  • 2-3 gold
A giant rat advanced menacingly on NAME . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #4)

NAME leapt to his/her right, dodged to his/her left, and then wickedly ATTACKED the rat with his/her WEAPON. It twitched feebly once before rolling over dead. NAME searched the rat's nest and found some items of value that it had collected.
  • 74 XP
  • 12-16 gold
A zombie, mumbling incoherently, made its way toward NAME . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3x2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

NAME had no trouble getting the jump on the slow moving zombie and made short work of it with his/her WEAPON.
  • 76 XP
  • 19-26 gold
NAME missed with his/her initial attack, and took a hard hit before finally dispatching his/her rotting foe.
  • 8-10 damage
  • 38 XP
  • 7 gold

NAME came across a small party of goblins sleeping around the remains of a recent meal.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1,2,4)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

He/she crept up quietly and got the jump on them, dispatching them with relative ease.

He/She leaped from the shadows with his/her WEAPON extended, but misjudged the distance. He/she tripped over a sleeping goblin and landed face-first in the remains of their dinner. NAME barely managed to scramble to his/her feet before the goblins awoke and attacked. He/She took a few solid blows but rallied to defeat the groggy goblins in the end.
  • 10-11 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 4-5 gold
NAME was enjoying a nice nap on the dungeon floor when, all of a sudden, he/she awoke to the sound of stomping feet. And not just any stomping feet, but stomping feet that were coming directly toward him/her! He/she leapt to his/her feet and readied his/her WEAPON.

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #7) (found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #5)

'NAME'VERBED the surprised orc a split-second after it came into view, dispatching it without too much trouble. In his/her haste to bring the fight to the enemy, NAME attacked a little early and VERBED thin air. A pitched battle ensued, which NAME eventually won, but only after sustaining some heavy damage.
  • 8-12(max) damage
  • 28 XP
  • 11-15(max) gold
A wererat leaped out from the corner, snarling viciously! NAME ducked under its initial assault, turned . . .

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7)

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #5)

. . . and promptly VERBED it with his/her WEAPON. The wererat twitched feebly for a few seconds, then perished.
  • 105 XP
  • 32-43 gold
. . . and promptly missed with his/her WEAPON! The wererat came in underneath NAME's guard and landed a vicious bite. NAME then ATTACKED the back of the beast's head, killing it. NAME was victorious, but feeling a little weaker than usual.
  • 9-12 damage
  • -3 Strength for 4 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 11-18 gold
A goblin hexer muttered a short chant and unleashed a blinding hex at NAME! Reeling from the pain, NAME called on his/her training and unleashed an attack with her WEAPON.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

Despite NAME's cloudy vision, s/he blasted the hexer, crippling it. From there it was easy enough to finish the job. FAIL TEXT
The grunting of an orc alerted NAME to danger around the next corner. He/She steeled him/herself and leaped into the fray!

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3,5)

Mere seconds later, the corpse of the orc lay on the cold stone floor. NAME calmly checked it for loot before moving on.
  • 100 XP
  • 34-43 gold
NAME was victorious, but at the cost of some nasty cuts and bruises.
  • 6-11 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 11-14 gold
The angry ghost of some long dead adventurer was lurking about. It hovered over a skeleton decked out in a dusty (but clearly top-quality) suit of delver's leather.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8)

Leading with his/her courage and finishing with his/her WEAPON, NAME sent the phantom warrior to its final resting place. FAIL TEXT

Charisma (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME arrived at a T-shaped intersection where a dwarven woman stood guard. NAME decided to talk his/her way through this one.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3)

Using all of his/her cunning, NAME convinced the dwarf that he/she was her long-lost cousin. Not only did he/she get directions, but he/she got an item and some dwarven cologne as well! FAIL TEXT
NAME's eyes widened as he/she entered a room to find a handsome/beautiful halfling lad/lass sitting dejectedly at a wooden desk. "I'm so bored," he/she moaned.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #4)

NAME worked his/her magic (so to speak) on the halfling and a good time was had by all. As thanks for their new friendship, the halfling gave NAME a gift. NAME and the halfling talked for awhile, but the chemistry just wasn't there. After one too many awkward pauses, NAME decided to move on, but not before pocketing a fancy looking paperweight that would sell well on the open market.
  • 28 XP
  • 10-11 gold
NAME ran into another party of adventurers deep within the bowels of the dungeon . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1x4)

. . . and quickly befriended the group. They exchanged some gifts (NAME came out ahead, of course), and the cleric even blessed his/her weapon!
  • +2 Attack Bonus for 10 encounters.
  • 68 XP
  • 19 gold
. . . and they roughed up NAME a bit before heading off down the dark tunnel.
  • 5-9 damage
  • 22 XP
NAME had never screamed as loud as he/she did when the floor dropped out from under him/her, dropping him/her directly into the middle of a large room full of orcs. The orcs had been squabbling and gambling, although NAME's entrance seemed to get their attention.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #5)

Thinking quickly, NAME managed to convey (through a series of rapid fire gestures) that he/she was not, in fact, dinner, and was instead sent to be married to one of the local orc girls/boys?. The orcs thought this was a little strange, but NAME was charismatic enough that they went along with it. After the makeshift ceremony, NAME saw his/her chance and quickly escaped -- with the wedding gifts.
  • 84 XP
  • 32 gold
NAME halfheartedly tried to convince the orcs of some completely ridiculous story about how he/she was destined to marry one of the local orc girls/boys?, but they'd have none of it. Eventually he/she simply made a break for the exit. The good news was that he/she made it. The bad news was all of the arrows sticking out of his/her back.
  • 4 damage
  • 23 XP

Constitution (3+1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME ventured into an abandoned kitchen where he/she discovered some soup in a stone bowl. "EAT THIS" was scratched into the table beside it. Suspicious. Who knew how long it had been there . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #2,3)

The taste was horribly foul, but thanks to his cast-iron stomach, NAME managed to keep it down. Good thing, too, because after a few minutes he began to feel much more powerful. The taste was so foul that NAME couldn't keep it down. She/he spent what seemed like forever doubled over, gagging and retching. Gross!
The sound of slamming doors and rushing water reverberated through the room as soon as NAME tried to open the chest. He/She looked frantically for an exit, but there were none -- and the room was already half full of water. There was nothing to be done but hold his/her breath and hope . . .

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

The swirling waters soon submerged NAME completely, but he/she remained calm and went into a sort of trance, slowing his/her breathing. After what seemed like hours, the water started receding and NAME was able to take a glorious breath of air. When he/she had recovered from the ordeal, he/she grabbed the many gold coins that were now scattered about the room.
  • 2-4 damage
  • 88 XP
  • 30-35 gold
A mild rumbling sound gave NAME a start until he/she realized it was coming from his/her stomach. All of a sudden, those mushrooms growing in the corner looked mighty tasty . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #4, 5)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

Not only were the mushrooms surprisingly tasty, but they had magical properties that caused NAME's strength to grow! He/She took some extras to sell back in town.
  • +5 Strength for 5 encounters
  • 73 XP
  • 24-33 gold
The mushrooms were surprisingly tasty, so much so that NAME ate a rather large meal. He/She was feeling great, or at least he/she was until the queasiness set in. The next ten minutes weren't particularly pleasant.
  • 7-10 damage
  • 28 XP
NAME hesitantly opened a door, expecting the worst, but instead found a group of fellow adventurers! After a round of introductions, they challenged him to a drinking contest.
NAME calmly downed one . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . five . . . and a sixth shot of tiefling tequila before the last of his new friends dropped out. NAME made sure they paid up while they were still conscious. NAME was fine with the tiefling tequila and had no problems with the dwarven rum. After they pulled out the bottle of eladrin ether, he was down for the count. He did win a few coins from the half-elf who didn't make it through his first shot.

Dexterity (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A poison dart suddenly sprang from the wall next to NAME!

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1,2,4)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

He/she nimbly dodged aside, avoiding the trap, and soon found the reason that someone had trapped the corridor in the first place.

  • 83 XP
  • 14-18 gold
It hit him/her right in the neck. That must have hurt . . .

Reaching the end of a corridor, NAME discovered a small room stocked with brooms and mops that looked strangely like a cleaning closet. Now that s/he thought about it, this dungeon was rather clean. Then again, s/he didn't have much time to think about it -- s/he was more concerned with the skeleton lunging at him/her!

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

NAME ducked and the skeleton's bony fingers just raked his/her shoulder. His/her counterattack, on the other hand, scattered the skeleton into pieces. FAIL TEXT
As NAME entered a treasure-filled room, a spray of acid shot out at him/her!

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

NAME twisted out of the way with lightning speed. He/She avoided most of the acid, but still got hit by some of the spray. At least there was tons of treasure! NAME completely failed to get out of the way and was drenched by the acid. It was painful for both him/her and his/her armor. Worse yet, the spray from the acid was wide enough that much of the treasure was ruined too.
  • 8-11(max) damage
  • -4 AC for 10 encounters
  • 22 XP
  • 4-6(max) gold
Upon venturing into a seemingly empty room, NAME found a treasure chest hiding in a back corner. It didn't take him/her long to realize it was locked.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3)

NAME deftly managed to not only unlock the chest, but also avoid the traps that were meant for less dexterous adventurers. FAIL TEXT

Intelligence (8)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME wandered down an empty hallway . . .

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #1,2,4)

Note: Not always found with "Magic"

. . . and spotted a stone protruding slightly from the wall along with some suspicious cracks. He/She pushed the stone, and the wall slid back to reveal a stockpile of treasure!

. . . and noticed nothing except for a few gold coins he/she found scattered on the floor. NAME managed to pick up several coins before triggering the flame jet trap.
  • 4-7 damage
  • 20 XP
  • 5-6 gold
NAME arrived at a four-way intersection deep within the dungeon. He/She could hear clanging sounds from one path, detect a foul smell from another, and feel a cold breeze from the third.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

NAME learned in Dungeon Adventuring 101 that clanging sounds and cold breezes were bad news and chose the smelly path. He/She was delighted to find that it led to an unguarded pile of treasure.
  • 55 XP
  • 11-18 gold
NAME made the snap decision to take the path with the clanging sounds. See, he/she had failed Dungeon Adventuring 101, where you learn that clanging sounds equal a party of goblins, and a goblin party equals bad times for adventurers. He/She was lucky to escape with his/her life.
  • 5-10 damage
  • 16 XP

The sounds of bubbling liquid greeted NAME as he/she rounded a corner and came into view of a makeshift alchemy lab. In front of the lab, on the center of the table, sat one completed potion. There were no signs of anyone else around.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3,4,5)

Note: Not always found with "Magic"

NAME analyzed the potion with a critical eye. He/She popped the cork and sniffed it, noting the subtle hint of raspberries. He/She shrugged, nodded, and tipped it back, chugging it in one gulp. Sure enough, in moments his/her wounds were healed!
  • healed for +6-10 hit points (I think it always heals to full HP)
  • 70 XP
NAME studied the potion suspiciously. He/She poked it, sniffed it, rolled it around the table (it bubbled angrily), and did everything else he/she could think of to test its qualities. At the end of the process, though, NAME determined that it just wasn't safe and simply picked it up to sell to some unsuspecting customer back in town.
  • 29 XP
  • 10-12 gold

NAME entered a room where the walls were covered with glowing blue runes of various shapes and sizes.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #2,4)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

He/She was easily able to decipher the message, which led him/her to a secret, treasure-filled room.

NAME thought he/she had deciphered the message. It turned out that he/she had gotten the part about the secret, treasure-filled room right but missed the part about the trap that bathed him/her in fire.
  • 7-12 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 9-11 gold

NAME came across a horde of decrepit skeletons shambling down a corridor toward him/her.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #2,5)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

Luckily, NAME had literally just avoided tripping a boulder trap a second ago. He/She went back, tripped it intentionally, and ducked into a side passage. The sound of crunching bones was quite satisfying.
  • 91 XP
  • 19-23 gold
NAME raised his/her WEAPON TYPE and charged. He/She took several hits during the pitched battle, but was victorious in the end.
  • 5-8 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 8-11 gold

NAME stared intently at the runes in front of him/her, trying to decipher them as quickly as possible.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3,4)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

The puzzle proved no match for NAME's superior intellect. Soon he/she was enjoying the spoils of a successful solve. NAME tried for what seemed like an eternity, but his/her eventual best guess at a solution only resulted in a small magical explosion.
  • 9-10 damage
  • 31 XP

A group of adventurers was sitting at a table, laughing and having a good time. As NAME approached, he/she realized they were playing three-dragon ante! He/She promptly asked to join in.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #4)

NAME played Bahamut at the perfect time and raked in a huge pot. Realizing that was an opportune time to leave, he/she made up an excuse, took his/her winnings, and ran.
  • 82 XP
  • 30 gold
The size of NAME's stack dwindled steadily, until out of sheer frustration he/she decided it was time to start cheating. Unfortunately, one of the more perceptive players at the table noticed this, and the resulting fistfight left NAME battered and bruised (and slightly richer).
  • 8 damage
  • 34 XP
  • 8 gold

A gnome arcanist advanced toward NAME, her hands extended menacingly. She started reciting a spell.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #4)

Realizing that the gnome was casting scintillating bolt, NAME dove to the side and avoided the bulk of the blast. From there, he/she was easily able to finish the gnome with his/her WEAPON. FAILURE RESULTS NEEDED

Strength (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Rounding a turn in the dungeon, NAME was confronted by a large locked door.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #2,4)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

NAME took a few steps back, ran forward, and smashed into the door with enough force to break it in half. S/He was delighted to find that treasure awaited behind it. FAIL TEXT

NAME cautiously entered a new room and was surprised to see a group of gnomes gathered around an arm wrestling match. One noticed him and grinned, motioning to the game. "Want in?" NAME nodded and accepted the challenge. Just how strong could a gnome really be?

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

The gnome put up more of a fight than NAME had bargained for, but in the end those puny arms were no match for NAME's might. The gnomes grumbled at first, but eventually paid up.
  • 82 XP
  • 23 gold
Supremely confident, NAME sat down. He/She started the match strong, almost pinning the gnome's puny arm right off the bat. Suddenly, though, the gnome found his second wind and NAME found himself in serious trouble! Before he/she knew it, the match was over and NAME's wrist was quite sore, possibly broken.
  • 5-8 damage
  • -5 Strength for 4 encounters.
  • 26 XP

The grating sound of stone on stone alerted NAME to a potential problem. The walls of the corridor s/he was standing in had begun closing in!

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #5)

NAME started sprinting, hoping to make it out of the trapped section, but it quickly became clear that she/he wasn't going to make it. Realizing there were no other options, she/he stood her/his ground, pushing back the walls through a sheer feat of strength. By keeping this up, NAME was able to inch forward and eventually escape the trap.
  • 75 XP
NAME took one look at the walls and realized that there was no way s/he'd be able to hold them back with his/her bare hands, so there was only one other option -- RUN! S/he started sprinting, but a sickening crunch of bones told him/her that s/he didn't quite make it in time.
  • 5 damage
  • -5 Dexterity for 8 encounters.
  • 25 XP

Wisdom (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered a cavern and found an overturned mine cart with the lower half of a human body jutting out from under it. Chunks of silver ore were scattered about the room.

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #3)

Scouting carefully, NAME spotted a tripline extending out from underneath the cart. He wisely decided to leave the cart alone and simply gathered up the valuable ore.
  • 61 XP
  • 18-21 gold

A large chest sat in the center of the room on a raised dais.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

Rather than act hastily, NAME first scoured the room for traps, and quickly found signs of a force trap that was aimed directly at her/his chest. She/he took some stones and threw them onto the dais. Sure enough, the trap sprang. When it was finished, NAME calmly looted the chest. NAME strode directly forward, intent on opening the chest. As soon as his/her foot touched the dais, he/she sprang a force trap, knocking him/her clean off his/her feet. When NAME recovered, he/she looted the chest (or what was left of it) and moved on, resolving to learn from his/her mistakes.
  • 9 damage
  • +3 Wisdom for 8 encounters
  • 23 XP
  • 9 gold

NAME discovered an intricate statue of a lizardman sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty room.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 13

(found in City Beneath the Streets, encounter #5)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #6)

It didn't take NAME long to find the hidden switch underneath the lizardman's tail. S/He threw the switch and a wall slid back, revealing a hidden treasure.

Upon closer inspection, there was a gleaming ruby set in the forehead of the statue. NAME quickly pried it free and went on his/her merry way.
  • 23 XP
  • 6-8 gold

Level 3[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(rare) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(4) Magic[]
(8) Traps[]
(4+rare) Undead[]

Armor Class (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

With a screech, a shadowhunter bat flew out of the shadows in the corridor ahead -- and straight for NAME.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,8)

Flattening him/herself against the wall, he/she escaped harm. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his/her WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. Perhaps that's why it was so angry . . . He/She kept his head out of the way, but his/her shoulder was not so lucky. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his/her WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. perhaps that's why it was so angry . . .
  • 11 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 9 gold

In a rocky, twisting tunnel between more carefully carved sections of the dungeon, NAME passed a rock that seemed to radiate heat. As soon as his/her back was to the rock, he/she realized that something was not right about it.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6,7)

His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw that almost raked across his back. Having lost its element of surprise, the vicious magma claw was quickly dispatched by NAME. Around the next corner, he/she found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast. His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw raking across his/her back. Even though it had gotten the first strike, the magma claw was soon felled by NAME. Around the next corner he/she found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast.

While trying to pry open a chest he/she had found in the corner of a dusty chamber, NAME heard an ominous click.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6,7)

He/she cringed, moving almost entirely into a fetal position -- which was a good thing, because that put his/her armor between him/her and the darts that shot out of one of the walls. When the danger had clearly passed, he/she finished opening the chest and stuffed the gold inside into his/her pack.

  • 3-4 damage
  • 84 XP
  • 54-62 gold
Immediately thereafter, he/she felt an ominous pain in his/her neck and the sudden onset of an ominous wooziness. NAME dreamt of a shadowy figure filling its pack with coins. When he/she awoke, he/she found the chest open but containing only a small number of coins.
  • 9 damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 26 XP
  • 14 gold

Attack Bonus (10 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A giant rat advanced menacingly on NAME . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

NAME leapt to his/her right, dodged to his/her left, and then wickedly ATTACKED the rat with her WEAPON. It twitched feebly once before rolling over dead. NAME searched the rat's nest and found some items of value that it had collected.
  • 74 XP
  • 16 gold

NAME came across a small party of goblins sleeping around the remains of a recent meal.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7)

He/She crept up quietly and got the jump on them, dispatching them with relative ease.

He/she leaped from the shadows with his/her WEAPON extended, but misjudged the distance. He/She tripped over a sleeping goblin and landed face-first in the remains of their dinner. NAME barely managed to scramble to his/her feet before the goblins awoke and attacked. He/she took a few solid blows but rallied to defeat the groggy goblins in the end.
  • 8-11 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 4-6 gold

A zombie, mumbling incoherently, made its way toward NAME . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

NAME had no trouble getting the jump on the slow moving zombie and made short work of it with his/her WEAPON.
  • 76 XP
  • 19-29 gold
NAME missed with his/her initial attack, and took a hard hit before finally dispatching his/her rotting foe.
  • 9 damage
  • 38 XP
  • 10 gold

A wererat leaped out from the corner, snarling viciously! NAME ducked under its initial assault, turned . . .

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #4,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6,7)

. . . and promptly devastated it with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The wererat twitched feebly for a few seconds, then perished.
  • 105 XP
  • 27-45(max) gold
. . . and promptly missed with his/her WEAPON! The wererat came in underneath NAME's guard and landed a vicious bite. NAME then ATTACKED the back of the beast's head, killing it. NAME was victorious, but feeling a little weaker than usual.
  • 12 damage
  • -3 Strength for 4 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 11 gold

NAME was enjoying a nice nap on the dungeon floor when, all of a sudden, he/she awoke to the sound of stomping feet. And not just any stomping feet, but stomping feet that were coming directly toward him/her! He/she leapt to her feet and readied his/her WEAPON.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6,7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6)

NAMEATTACKED the surprised orc a split-second after it came into view, dispatching it without too much trouble. In her/his haste to bring the fight to the enemy, NAME attacked a little early and hacked thin air. A pitched battle ensued, which NAME eventually won, but only after sustaining some heavy damage.
  • 8-10 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 10-13 gold

The grunting of an orc alerted NAME to danger around the next corner. She/He steeled her/himself and leaped into the fray!

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

Mere seconds later, the corpse of the orc lay on the cold stone floor. NAME calmly checked it for loot before moving on.
  • 100 XP
  • 34-44 gold
NAME was victorious, but at the cost of some nasty cuts and bruises.
  • 6-12 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 12-14 gold

A goblin hexer muttered a short chant and unleashed a blinding hex at NAME! Reeling from the pain, NAME called on his/her training and unleashed an attack with his/her WEAPON.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5,7)

Despite NAME's cloudy vision, he/she ATTACKED the hexer, crippling it. From there it was easy enough to finish the job. NAME failed to connect with his/her first strike, and was hit by a blast from the hexer's rod. NAME's vision cleared and s/he ATTACKED the hexer, ending its miserable existence.
  • 7 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 11 gold

Rustling and clanking sounds came from a corridor as NAME approached. Tiptoeing past the mossy bricks, he/she peeked into a room to see two gnome arcanists and two iron defenders discussing a small pile of treasure.

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,7)

Using the element of surprise to his advantage, NAME let them have it with his WEAPON TYPE. The fight was over in short order, and he made off with all the loot. NAME leaped into the room, WEAPONTYPE first, planted both feet on the pile of loot and wildly missed one of the gnomes. It seemed as though the room had a missing curse upon it, at least until one of the iron defenders managed to bite NAME on the arm. NAME fled the room and shook the monsters by running down a branching corridor of the dungeon. When he/she stopped to catch his/her breath, he/she noticed an emerald necklace had gotten tangled up on his/her boot.
  • 11 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 19 gold

In a hallway packed with leaky barrels, NAME heard and then saw a couple of trained wolves sniffing around. They were followed by two elves with longsword and bow drawn. The wolves couldn't smell NAME over the stench of oil. Spotting a puddle of oil between the wolves and their masters, he/she hatched a cunning plan.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4)

Hiding behind a barrel, NAME lobbed a rock at a torch on the wall, knocking it right into the oil. The flames separated the wolves from their handlers, and the smoke blocked the archers' sight lines while NAME took down the wolves. Leaping over the flames, NAMEATTACKED one of the elves on his/her way down. NAME's WEAPON made quick work of the other elf shortly thereafter.
  • 90 XP
  • 34-41 gold
He/She threw a rock as hard as he/she could, trying to knock a torch off the wall. It wobbled but did not fall. He/She had to fight the wolves and the elves all at once. It wasn't fun, but he/she was up to the task . . . barely.

  • 10 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 15 gold

The angry ghost of some long dead adventurer was lurking about. It hovered over a skeleton decked out in a dusty (but clearly top-quality) suit of delver's leather.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7)

Leading with her courage and finishing with her WEAPON, NAME sent the phantom warrior to its final resting place. NAME's courage held strong, but his/her WEAPON was no match for the phantom warrior's sword. Wounded, he/she left the ghost to guard its body alone.
  • ? damage
  • 24 XP

A young white dragon stirred from its slumber as NAME entered the room. NAME almost didn't notice it, though, thanks to the large pile of sparkling treasure it sat upon. Of course, he/she came to his/her senses as soon as the dragon started right at him/her.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

'NAME'ATTACKED the dragon right in the nose with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The ensuing fight was long and hard, but NAME always had the upper hand. Eventually the dragon, with one last sad look at the treasure it was leaving behind, took off through a hole in the ceiling. 'NAME'ATTACKED the dragon at his first opportunity, but when his first attack bounced harmlessly off the dragon's scales, he/she decided he'd/she'd had enough. He/She scooped up some treasure and hightailed it out of there -- but not before getting blasted by the dragon's icy breath.

Charisma (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME arrived at a T-shaped intersection where a dwarven man stood guard. NAME decided to talk his/her way through this one.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6x2)

Using all of his/her cunning, NAME convinced the dwarf that he/she was his long-lost cousin. Not only did he/she get directions, but he/she got an item and some dwarven perfume as well! FAIL TEXT

NAME ran into another party of adventurers deep within the bowels of the dungeon . . .

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7)

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,6,7)

. . . and quickly befriended the group. They exchanged some gifts (NAME came out ahead, of course), and the cleric even blessed his weapon! . . . and they roughed up NAME a bit before heading off down the dark tunnel.
  • 5-11 damage
  • 22 XP

NAME had never screamed as loud as he/she did when the floor dropped out from under him/her, dropping him/her directly into the middle of a large room full of orcs. The orcs had been squabbling and gambling, although NAME's entrance seemed to get their attention.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

Thinking quickly, NAME managed to convey (through a series of rapid fire gestures) that he/she was not, in fact, dinner, and was instead sent to be married to one of the local orc girls/boys. The orcs thought this was a little strange, but NAME was charismatic enough that they went along with it. After the makeshift ceremony, NAME saw his/her chance and quickly escaped -- with the wedding gifts.
  • 84 XP
  • 31-37(max) gold
NAME halfheartedly tried to convince the orcs of some completely ridiculous story about how he/she was destined to marry one of the local orc girls/boys, but they'd have none of it. Eventually he/she simply made a break for the exit. The good news was that he/she made it. The bad news was all of the arrows sticking out of his/her back.
  • 9-11 damage
  • 23 XP

NAME's eyes widened as he entered a room to find a beautiful halfling lass sitting dejectedly at a wooden desk. "I'm so bored," she moaned.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7,8)

NAME worked his magic (so to speak) on the halfling and a good time was had by all. As thanks for their new friendship, the halfling gave NAME a gift. NAME and the halfling talked for awhile, but the chemistry just wasn't there. After one too many awkward pauses, NAME decided to move on, but not before pocketing a fancy looking paperweight that would sell well on the open market.
  • 28 XP
  • 13-14 gold

NAME had just finished off the last monster and was about to pick up the spoils when a human mage burst into the room and offered to graciously split the loot fifty-fifty, as if he/she had been there the whole time and had defeated them all himself.

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4)

NAME diplomatically explained to the mage that he must have been under an evil spell because he wasn't even there and didn't help at all. pointed the poor buggar toward the exit and recommended he seek professional help. Try as he/she might, NAME could not convince the mage he was wrong. Somehow, NAME ended up on the wrong end of a forty-sixty split after thirty-five minutes of argument.
  • 12 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 21 gold

Constitution (4 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
A mild rumbling sound gave NAME a start until she/he realized it was coming from his/her stomach. All of a sudden, those mushrooms growing in the corner looked mighty tasty . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

Not only were the mushrooms surprisingly tasty, but they had magical properties that caused NAME's strength to grow! He/She took some extras to sell back in town.
  • +5 Strength for 5 encounters
  • 73 XP
  • 24-37(max) gold
The mushrooms were surprisingly tasty, so much so that NAME ate a rather large meal. He/She was feeling great, or at least he/she was until the queasiness set in. The next ten minutes weren't particularly pleasant.
  • 7-11 damage
  • 28 XP
NAME ventured into an abandoned kitchen where she/he discovered some soup in a stone bowl. "EAT THIS" was scratched into the table beside it. Suspicious. Who knew how long it had been there . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4)

The taste was horribly foul, but thanks to her cast-iron stomach, NAME managed to keep it down. Good thing, too, because after a few minutes she/he began to feel much more powerful. The taste was so foul that NAME couldn't keep it down. He/She spent what seemed like forever doubled over, gagging and retching. Gross!
The sound of slamming doors and rushing water reverberated through the room as soon as NAME tried to open the chest. He/She looked frantically for an exit, but there were none -- and the room was already half full of water. There was nothing to be done but hold his/her breath and hope . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

The swirling waters soon submerged NAME completely, but he/she remained calm and went into a sort of trance, slowing his/her breathing. After what seemed like hours, the water started receding and NAME was able to take a glorious breath of air. When he/she had recovered from the ordeal, he/she grabbed the many gold coins that were now scattered about the room.
  • 3-5 damage
  • 88 XP
  • 30-37 gold
NAME panicked, and when the water reached his/her mouth he/she hadn't managed to completely fill his/her lungs with air. He/She held out as long as he/she could, but the siren's call of unconsciousness was too much to resist. When he/she came to, he/she was weak and exhausted, although he/she did manage to pick up a few gold coins that were scattered around the room.
  • 12 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 9-11 gold
A handful of goblins wouldn't have been a problem for NAME -- except for the hexer's blinding hex that caught him/her before he/she could strike the first blow.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,7)

The world went dark for a moment, but NAME blinked it off and laid into the goblin skullcleaver, hexer, and two warriors, finishing them all in under a minute.
  • 3-5 damage
  • 90 XP
  • 49-55 gold
The world went dark, and the goblins' yelps seemed to grow louder in the absence of light. On the upside, that made it easier to guess where they were. NAME managed to hit them just enough times to down one and scare the others off.
  • 9-10 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 13-17 gold
NAME hesitantly opened a door, expecting the worst, but instead found a group of fellow adventurers! After a round of introductions, they challenged him to a drinking contest.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

NAME calmly downed one . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . five . . . and a sixth shot of tiefling tequila before the last of his new friends dropped out. NAME made sure they paid up while they were still conscious. NAME

 was fine with the tiefling tequila and had no problems with the dwarven rum. After they pulled out the bottle of eladrin ether, he was down for the count. He did win a few coins from the half-elf who didn't make it through his first shot. *9 damage

Dexterity (3 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Reaching the end of a corridor, NAME discovered a small room stocked with brooms and mops that looked strangely like a cleaning closet. Now that he/she thought about it, this dungeon was rather clean. Then again, he/she didn't have much time to think about it -- he/she was more concerned with the skeleton lunging at him/her!

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,6)

NAME ducked and the skeleton's bony fingers just raked his/her shoulder. His/Her counterattack, on the other hand, scattered the skeleton into pieces. The skeleton's bony fingers clutched NAME by the neck, crushing his/her throat. Luckily, NAME had the presence of mind to lash out with both feet, catching the skeleton in the chest and breaking its spine clean in half. NAME fell to the ground, gasping for breath, but was able to move on.
  • 10-11 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 12-14 gold

As NAME entered a treasure-filled room, a spray of acid shot out at him/her!

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5,6)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6)

NAME twisted out of the way with lightning speed. He/She avoided most of the acid, but still got hit by some of the spray. At least there was tons of treasure! NAME completely failed to get out of the way and was drenched by the acid. It was painful for both him/her and his/her armor. Worse yet, the spray from the acid was wide enough that much of the treasure was ruined too.
  • 6-11(max) damage
  • -4 Armor Class for 10 encounters
  • 22 XP
  • 4-6(max) gold

Upon venturing into a seemingly empty room, NAME found a treasure chest hiding in a back corner. It didn't take him/her long to realize it was locked.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6,7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,5,7)

NAME deftly managed to not only unlock the chest, but also avoid the traps that were meant for less dexterous adventurers. Just as NAME was sure s/he'd successfully picked the lock, the sound of breaking glass reminded him/her to always check for traps first. Poison gas billowed out of the unlocked chest as NAME tried to hold his/her breath and empty its contents into his/her pack. NAME wasn't quite fast enough, and he/she got a lungful of poison for his/her troubles.

Being chased by a mummy through cobwebs in the bowels of a dungeon had always seemed like such a cliche to NAME, until he/she experienced it first hand. Then it felt rather life-threatening. He/She turned down a hallway liberally puddled with some sort of steaming green liquid. It looked like acid, and while NAME was wary of running down the hall, he/she was also wary of the surprisingly fast mummy coming up behind him.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

With more than his/her daily allotment of fancy footwork, NAME navigated the hallway with ease. When he/she turned around, he/she saw the mummy had not been so agile and had succumbed to the acid. Fortunately, not all the valuables it carried fell into the acid puddles.
  • 83 XP
  • 52 gold
NAME made it down the hallway, but not without a few acid burns. When he/she turned around, he/she saw the mummy had been even less agile and had completely succumbed to the acid. Fortunately, not all the valuables it carried fell into the acid puddles.
  • 11-13 damage
  • 40 XP
  • 28-37 gold

Intelligence (13)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME arrived at a four-way intersection deep within the dungeon. He/she could hear clanging sounds from one path, detect a foul smell from another, and feel a cold breeze from the third.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

NAME learned in Dungeon Adventuring 101 that clanging sounds and cold breezes were bad news and chose the smelly path. He/She was delighted to find that it led to an unguarded pile of treasure.
  • 55 XP
  • ? gold
NAME made the snap decision to take the path with the clanging sounds. See, he/she had failed Dungeon Adventuring 101, where you learn that clanging sounds equal a party of goblins, and a goblin party equals bad times for adventurers. He/She was lucky to escape with his/her life.
  • 6 damage
  • 16 XP

NAME wandered down an empty hallway . . .

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

. . . and spotted a stone protruding slightly from the wall along with some suspicious cracks. He/she pushed the stone, and the wall slid back to reveal a stockpile of treasure!

. . . and noticed nothing except for a few gold coins he/she found scattered on the floor. NAME managed to pick up several coins before triggering the flame jet trap.
  • ? damage
  • 20 XP
  • ? gold

NAME stared intently at the runes in front of her/him, trying to decipher them as quickly as possible.

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5,6)

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

The puzzle proved no match for NAME's superior intellect. Soon she/he was enjoying the spoils of a successful solve. NAME tried for what seemed like an eternity, but his/her eventual best guess at a solution only resulted in a small magical explosion.
  • 6 damage
  • 31 XP

The sounds of bubbling liquid greeted NAME as he/she rounded a corner and came into view of a makeshift alchemy lab. In front of the lab, on the center of the table, sat one completed potion. There were no signs of anyone else around.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5)

NAME analyzed the potion with a critical eye. He/She popped the cork and sniffed it, noting the subtle hint of raspberries. He/she shrugged, nodded, and tipped it back, chugging it in one gulp. Sure enough, in moments his/her wounds were healed!
  • +12-15 Hit Points (maybe up to max?) (No effect if no damage has been taken previously.)
  • 70 XP
NAME studied the potion suspiciously. He/she poked it, sniffed it, rolled it around the table (it bubbled angrily), and did everything else he/she could think of to test its qualities. At the end of the process, though, NAME determined that it just wasn't safe and simply picked it up to sell to some unsuspecting customer back in town.
  • 29 XP
  • 10-14 gold

NAME entered a room where the walls were covered with glowing blue runes of various shapes and sizes.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5,6)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8)

He/She was easily able to decipher the message, which led him/her to a secret, treasure-filled room.

NAME thought he/she had deciphered the message. It turned out that he/she had gotten the part about the secret, treasure-filled room right but missed the part about the trap that bathed him/her in fire.
  • 6-12 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 7-9 gold

A group of adventurers was sitting at a table, laughing and having a good time. As NAME approached, he/she realized they were playing three-dragon ante! He/she promptly asked to join in.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6x2,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #7)

NAME played Bahamut at the perfect time and raked in a huge pot. Realizing that was an opportune time to leave, he/she made up an excuse, took his/her winnings, and ran.
  • 82 XP
  • 27-34 gold
The size of NAME's stack dwindled steadily, until out of sheer frustration he decided it was time to start cheating. Unfortunately, one of the more perceptive players at the table noticed this, and the resulting fistfight left NAME battered and bruised (and slightly richer).
  • 6-12(max) damage
  • 34 XP
  • 7-10(max) gold

A gnome arcanist advanced toward NAME, her hands extended menacingly. She started reciting a spell.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6)

Realizing that the gnome was casting scintillating bolt, NAME dove to the side and avoided the bulk of the blast. From there, he/she was easily able to finish the gnome with his/her WEAPON. The spell turned out to be scintillating bolt, which caught NAME square in the chest. He/She ATTACKED the gnome, defeating her. It was a small consolation for the smell of burnt flesh that permeated the room.
  • 7-11 damage
  • 20 XP
  • 11-15 gold

NAME came across a horde of decrepit skeletons shambling down a corridor toward him/her.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5,6)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,6)

Luckily, NAME had literally just avoided tripping a boulder trap a second ago. He/She went back, tripped it intentionally, and ducked into a side passage. The sound of crunching bones was quite satisfying.
  • 91 XP
  • 18-30(max) gold
NAME raised his/her WEAPON TYPE and charged. He/She took several hits during the pitched battle, but was victorious in the end.
  • 6-11 damage
  • 31-33 XP
  • 9 gold

An iron defender came marching up the hallway towards NAME!

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #5,6,7)

Realizing that this would be a tough fight, NAME lured the defender further and further up the corridor, which he/she knew sloped downward and eventually ended in an underground river. Once the defender was partially submerged in the water, it started rusting. Then the fight was a piece of cake.
  • 105 XP
  • 24-37 gold
NAME went toe to toe with the defender. He/She eventually came out ahead, but was definitely worse for wear.
  • 6-10 damage
  • 31 XP
  • 6-9 gold

The room appeared to be a dead end, but NAME felt there had to be more to it than that.

He/She also thought the two four-foot cubes of stone near the middle of the room were suspicious. Inspecting the floor around them, he/she noticed scrape marks next to one of them. He/She pushed the stone from the other side and it moved! It slid across the floor and, with a loud clack, triggered a hidden door, revealing a large store of neatly stacked gold coins.

  • 93 XP
  • 51 gold
He/She also thought that some scratch marks on the floor by a four-foot stone cube near the middle of the room were suspicious. He couldn't imagine what they meant, however and settled for the gold coins arranged like a flock of birds on the other side of the stone.

  • 26 XP
  • 13-17 gold

Upon hearing a yelp and a thump, NAME followed the noise to find an adventurer slumped beside an open chest of coins.

Recognizing the dart in the adventurer's neck as a poisoned sleeping dart commonly used by the Behrindi tribe that most likely built this dungeon, he/she mixed the simple antidote from things he/she had in his pack and revived the adventurer. Grateful, the young explorer insisted NAME have all the contents of the chest before hurrying out of the dungeon and back to town.
  • 88 XP
  • 38-45 gold
Unable to revive the adventurer, NAME scooped up a handful of coins before leaving.
  • 31 XP
  • ? gold

NAME heard dwarven shouts coming from a tunnel off to his/her left. He/She soon reached the dwarves, who explained that a Green Slime was wreaking havoc on their mining operation. In the tight spaces of the mine the slime would easily kill NAME in a head on [sic] fight, so he/she had to outsmart it.

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4)

NAME asked the Dwarves to gather up a few rats and then used some rope to tie the rats together. Using this as bait, he/she lured the Green Slime right into a pit filled with burning torches. The dwarves gleefully poured lamp oil on the burning slime, which accelerated the incineration process. They rewarded NAME well for devising such a cunning plan. FAIL TEXT

Several doors in the hallway were marked with ancient writing.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,7)

NAME had spent a summer as an archivist's assistant in the Alanandyria city library. This really paid off, as NAME knew to avoid the door marked "trap test chamber" and go straight for the one marked "vault." Unable to decipher the writing, NAME decided to start trying doors. He/She found several rooms filled with complex devices, many of which had an excessive number of sharp edges. At least one contraption tried to eat NAME, and he/she did not always escape unscathed. NAME did at least manage to grab a light-refracting gemstone from one diabolical machine before giving up entirely on the hallway.
  • 9-12 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 12-18 gold

Strength (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Rounding a turn in the dungeon, NAME was confronted by a large locked door.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #6)

NAME took a few steps back, ran forward, and smashed into the door with enough force to break it in half. He/She was delighted to find that treasure awaited behind it. Try as he/she might, NAME could not break down the door. He/She did manage to break her shoulder though.
  • 10 damage
  • 24 XP

NAME cautiously entered a new room and was surprised to see a group of gnomes gathered around an arm wrestling match. One noticed him/her and grinned, motioning to the game. "Want in?" NAME nodded and accepted the challenge. Just how strong could a gnome really be?

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #7)

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,8)

The gnome put up more of a fight than NAME had bargained for, but in the end those puny arms were no match for NAME's might. The gnomes grumbled at first, but eventually paid up.
  • 82 XP
  • 22-31 gold
Supremely confident, NAME sat down. He/She started the match strong, almost pinning the gnome's puny arm right off the bat. Suddenly, though, the gnome found his second wind and NAME found the match was over and NAME's wrist was quite sore, possibly broken.
  • 7-8 damage
  • -5 Strength for 4 encounters
  • 26 XP

The grating sound of stone on stone alerted NAME to a potential problem. The walls of the corridor he/she was standing in had begun closing in!

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,5)

NAME started sprinting, hoping to make it out of the trapped section, but it quickly became clear that he/she wasn't going to make it. Realizing there were no other options, he/she stood his/her ground, pushing back the walls through a sheer feat of strength. By keeping this up, NAME was able to inch forward and eventually escape the trap.
  • 75 XP
NAME took one look at the walls and realized that there was no way s/he'd be able to hold them back with his/her bare hands, so there was only one other option -- RUN! He/She started sprinting, but a sickening crunch of bones told him/her that he/she didn't quite make it in time.
  • 5-9 damage
  • -5 Dexterity for 8 encounters.
  • 25 XP

The passageway was partially blocked by a cave-in.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,6)

It took NAME a few minutes to move enough stones out of the way to squeeze through, but it was worth it. He/She found quite a bit of treasure on the other side.
  • 95 XP
  • 41-54 gold
The stones were too big to move, and there wasn't enough of a gap to squeeze through. NAME had to find another way around. On the upside, the longer route took him/her through a hall with a valuable-looking painting on the wall.

  • 32 XP
  • 11 gold

Wisdom (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
NAME entered a cavern and found an overturned mine cart with the lower half of a human body jutting out from under it. Chunks of silver ore were scattered about the room.

(found in Rescue at Rivenroar, encounter #5)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #7)

Scouting carefully, NAME spotted a tripline extending out from underneath the cart. He/She wisely decided to leave the cart alone and simply gathered up the valuable ore.
  • 61 XP
  • 22 gold

NAME quickly rushed to pull out the body, but as soon as the cart crashed to the ground, a sonic trap triggered! NAME, dazed and bleeding from the ears, still managed to gather up some ore before moving on.

  • 9 damage
  • -3 Wisdom for 2 encounters
  • 15 XP
  • 5 gold

NAME discovered an intricate statue of a lizardman sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty room.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 13

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #5,6,7)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #7)

It didn't take NAME long to find the hidden switch underneath the lizardman's tail. He/She threw the switch and a wall slid back, revealing a hidden treasure. Upon closer inspection, there was a gleaming ruby set in the forehead of the statue. NAME quickly pried it free and went on his/her merry way.
  • 23 XP
  • 7-10(max) gold

A large chest sat in the center of the room on a raised dais.

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #6,7,8)

(found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #4,5,6)

Rather than act hastily, NAME first scoured the room for traps, and quickly found signs of a force trap that was aimed directly at his/her chest. He/She took some stones and threw them onto the dais. Sure enough, the trap sprang. When it was finished, NAME calmly looted the chest. NAME strode directly forward, intent on opening the chest. As soon as his/her foot touched the dais, he/she sprang a force trap, knocking him/her clean off his/her feet. When NAME recovered, he/she looted the chest (or what was left of it) and moved on, resolving to learn from his/her mistakes.
  • 7-12 damage
  • +3 Wisdom for 8 encounters
  • 23 XP
  • 7-9 gold

While exploring a corridor, NAME saw a rat run past him/her going the other way. It was soon followed by another . . . and another . . . and then a few more. Soon, they were coming five at a time.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 14

(found in Tomb of Terror, encounter #7,8) (found in Wrath of the Orc Lord, encounter #6)

A hundred rats can't all be wrong, or so NAME thought. He/She turned around and got out of there fast. Choosing a side route he/she'd overlooked at the last intersection, NAME found some sort of gallery with a few pieces of jewelry almost falling off pedestals.
  • 86 XP
  • 31-39 gold
Curious, NAME pressed on despite the ever increasing flood of rats. When he/she came face-to-sunken ghostly visage with a wraith, he/she too made like a rat and ran. Panicked and weakened, NAME didn't stop until he/she stumbled into a storage room several hallways away. At least someone had left a sack of gold there to keep him/her company.
  • 4-8 damage
  • -3 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 16-21 gold

Level 4[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(rare) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(3) Magic[]
(9) Traps[]
(4 + 1 rare) Undead[]

Armor Class (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
With a screech, a shadowhunter bat flew out of the shadows in the corridor ahead -- and straight for NAME.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,3)

Flattening himself against the wall, he escaped harm. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. Perhaps that's why it was so angry . . . He/She kept his/her head out of the way, but his/her shoulder was not so lucky. When the bat turned and came back for a second pass, NAME let it have it with his/her WEAPON. There was some sort of jewelry tangled up in its feet. perhaps that's why it was so angry . . .
  • 11 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 12 gold
In a rocky, twisting tunnel between more carefully carved sections of the dungeon, NAME passed a rock that seemed to radiate heat. As soon as his back was to the rock, he realized that something was not right about it.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,3)

His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw that almost raked across his/her back. Having lost its element of surprise, the vicious magma claw was quickly dispatched by NAME. Around the next corner, she/he found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast. His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw raking across his herback. Even though it had gotten the first strike, the magma claw was soon felled by NAME. Around the next corner he found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast.

While trying to pry open a chest he/she had found in the corner of a dusty chamber, NAME heard an ominous click.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,3)

He/She cringed, moving almost entirely into a fetal position -- which was a good thing, because that put his/her armor between him/her and the darts that shot out of one of the walls. When the danger had clearly passed, he/she finished opening the chest and stuffed the gold inside into his/her pack.

  • 2-6 damage
  • 84 XP
  • 46-66 gold
Immediately thereafter, he/she felt an ominous pain in his/her neck and the sudden onset of an ominous wooziness. NAME dreamt of a shadowy figure filling its pack with coins. When he/she awoke, he/she found the chest open but containing only a small number of coins.
  • 9-13 damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 26 XP
  • 16-18 gold
When NAME saw the orc patrol, he/she knew that he/she'd defeat them. How much he/she would suffer in return was the real question.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7)

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

NAME's armor protected him well, and the dozen orcs at his feet had barely touched him.
  • 6 damage
  • 98 XP
  • 51 gold
While alive, NAME is going to be sore for a while after that fight.
  • 11-15 damage
  • 34 XP
  • 15-24 gold

Attack Bonus (10 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A wererat leaped out from the corner, snarling viciously! NAME ducked under its initial assault, turned . . .

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

. . . and promptly eviscerated it with his WEAPON. The wererat twitched feebly for a few seconds, then perished.
  • 105 XP
  • 29-35 gold
. . . and promptly missed with his/her WEAPON! The wererat came in underneath NAME's guard and landed a vicious bite. NAME then ATTACKED the back of the beast's head, killing it. NAME was victorious, but feeling a little weaker than usual.
  • 7 damage
  • -3 Strength for 4 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 18 gold

NAME was enjoying a nice nap on the dungeon floor when, all of a sudden, he/she awoke to the sound of stomping feet. And not just any stomping feet, but stomping feet that were coming directly toward him/her! He/She leapt to his/her feet and readied his/her WEAPON.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,2,3)

NAME blasted the surprised orc a split-second after it came into view, dispatching it without too much trouble. In his/her haste to bring the fight to the enemy, NAME attacked a little early and ATTACKED thin air. A pitched battle ensued, which NAME eventually won, but only after sustaining some heavy damage.
  • 6-9 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 9-12 gold

The grunting of an orc alerted NAME to danger around the next corner. He/She steeled him/herself and leaped into the fray!

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2,3)

Mere seconds later, the corpse of the orc lay on the cold stone floor. NAME calmly checked it for loot before moving on.
  • 100 XP
  • 36-38 gold
NAME was victorious, but at the cost of some nasty cuts and bruises.
  • 7-11 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 12-14 gold

A goblin hexer muttered a short chant and unleashed a blinding hex at NAME! Reeling from the pain, NAME called on her/his training and unleashed an attack with her/his WEAPON.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2,3)

Despite NAME's cloudy vision, he/she ATTACKED the hexer, crippling it. From there it was easy enough to finish the job. FAIL TEXT

In a hallway packed with leaky barrels, NAME heard and then saw a couple of trained wolves sniffing around. They were followed by two elves with longsword and bow drawn. The wolves couldn't smell NAME over the stench of oil. Spotting a puddle of oil between the wolves and their masters, he hatched a cunning plan.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

Hiding behind a barrel, NAME lobbed a rock at a torch on the wall, knocking it right into the oil. The flames separated the wolves from their handlers, and the smoke blocked the archers' sight lines while NAME took down the wolves. Leaping over the flames, NAME smote one of the elves on his way down. NAME's WEAPONTYPE made quick work of the other elf shortly thereafter.

  • 90 XP
  • 49-55 gold

He threw a rock as hard as he could, trying to knock a torch off the wall. It wobbled but did not fall. He had to fight the wolves and the elves all at once. It wasn't fun, but he was up to the task . . . barely.

  • 12 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 17 gold

Rustling and clanking sounds came from a corridor as NAME approached. Tiptoeing past the mossy bricks, he/she peeked into a room to see two gnome arcanists and two iron defenders discussing a small pile of treasure.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

Using the element of surprise to his/her advantage, NAME let them have it with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The fight was over in short order, and he/she made off with all the loot. NAME leaped into the room, dancing WEAPON first, planted both feet on the pile of loot and wildly missed one of the gnomes. It seemed as though the room had a missing curse upon it, at least until one of the iron defenders managed to bite NAME on the arm. NAME fled the room and shook the monsters by running down a branching corridor of the dungeon. When he/she stopped to catch his breath, he/she noticed an emerald necklace had gotten tangled up on his/her boot.
  • ? damage
  • 30 XP
  • ? gold

The angry ghost of some long dead adventurer was lurking about. It hovered over a skeleton decked out in a dusty (but clearly top-quality) suit of delver's leather.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2,3)

Leading with her/his courage and finishing with her/his WEAPON TYPE, NAME sent the phantom warrior to its final resting place. NAME's courage held strong, but his/her WEAPON was no match for the phantom warrior's sword. Wounded, he/she left the ghost to guard its body alone.
  • 8 damage
  • 24 XP

NAME saw a kitten shaking in the corner of a small room. When s/he went to pet its tentacle, s/he noticed two odd things. First, his/her hand passed through the air where his/her eyes could have sworn the kitten should have been and, second, kittens shouldn't have tentacles. A young displacer beast!

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

NAMEATTACKED the beast mightily! The displacer beast gazed upon him/her with pleading eyes as it breathed its last breath. Displacer beast veal should sell well, if only NAME could figure out where the carcass was.
  • 95 XP
  • 47-53 gold
NAMEATTACKED wide, missing the tricky creature. The displacer kitten raked its claws across NAME's face and ran off hissing. It must have just wanted to be left alone.
  • 9-12 damage
  • 33 XP
NAME had been walking down a hallway for a while when he/she noticed that all of its walls were engraved with the symbols of Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls. Hearing scrabbling up ahead, he/she pulled his/her WEAPONTYPE and charged into the impending gnoll horde.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. He/She charged past their front ranks and rushed the huntmaster at the rear. The gnoll's bow was little help against NAME's brazen assault. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • 4-6 damage
  • 95 XP
  • 50-73 gold
Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. From the rear, the gnoll huntmaster drew back his bow as his horrible horde assailed NAME. took many arrows fighting his/her way through the gnoll mass to get to the huntmaster. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • ? damage
  • 33 XP
  • ? gold

Detecting fresh air, NAME found an opening twenty feet overhead. Suddenly, a dead gazelle fell through the hole.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

The gazelle was followed by a pack of ravenous wolves that didn't seem to notice NAME. He waited for the wolves to become distracted by their meal and then struck. NAME had the hides made into armor when he got back to town. NAME was so surprised by the gazelle that he didn't notice the pack of wolves that followed it. The wolves got a few bites in before NAME slew them.
  • 11-12 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 15-24 gold

A young white dragon stirred from its slumber as NAME entered the room. NAME almost didn't notice it, though, thanks to the large pile of sparkling treasure it sat upon. Of course, he came to his senses as soon as the dragon started right at him.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

NAME impaled the dragon right in the nose with his weapon. The ensuing fight was long and hard, but NAME always had the upper hand. Eventually the dragon, with one last sad look at the treasure it was leaving behind, took off through a hole in the ceiling. FAIL TEXT

  • ? damage
  • ? XP
  • ? gold

Charisma (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME's eyes widened as he/she entered a room to find a beautiful halfling lass sitting dejectedly at a wooden desk. "I'm so bored," she moaned. (Note, someone needs to get other gender text)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

NAME worked his/her magic (so to speak) on the halfling and a good time was had by all. As thanks for their new friendship, the halfling gave NAME a gift. NAME and the halfling talked for awhile, but the chemistry just wasn't there. After one too many awkward pauses, NAME decided to move on, but not before pocketing a fancy looking paperweight that would sell well on the open market.
  • 28 XP
  • 10-13 gold

NAME had never screamed as loud as he/she did when the floor dropped out from under her/him, dropping her/him directly into the middle of a large room full of orcs. The orcs had been squabbling and gambling, although NAME's entrance seemed to get their attention.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

Thinking quickly, NAME managed to convey (through a series of rapid fire gestures) that he/she was not, in fact, dinner, and was instead sent to be married to one of the local orc girls/boys?. The orcs thought this was a little strange, but NAME was charismatic enough that they went along with it. After the makeshift ceremony, NAME saw his/her chance and quickly escaped -- with the wedding gifts.
  • 84 XP
  • ? gold
NAME halfheartedly tried to convince the orcs of some completely ridiculous story about how she/he was destined to marry one of the local orc boys/girls?, but they'd have none of it. Eventually she/he simply made a break for the exit. The good news was that she/he made it. The bad news was all of the arrows sticking out of his/her back.
  • 7-9 damage
  • 23 XP

NAME had just finished off the last monster and was about to pick up the spoils when a human mage burst into the room and offered to graciously split the loot fifty-fifty, as if he had been there the whole time and had defeated them all himself.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6,7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,3)

NAME diplomatically explained to the mage that he must have been under an evil spell because he wasn't even there and didn't help at all. pointed the poor buggar toward the exit and recommended he seek professional help. Try as he/she might, NAME could not convince the mage he was wrong. Somehow, NAME ended up on the wrong end of a forty-sixty split after thirty-five minutes of argument.
  • 8-13 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 20-21 gold

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME thought that a quick little talk would work best in this situation.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

As NAME lost his/her last rook, he/she decided to play on the vampire's vanity. A few minutes of overstating Claboria's chess prowess seemed to do the trick, and soon NAME was leaving the room -- with a solid gold knight as a souvenir.
  • 106 XP
  • 42 gold
As NAME dominated Claboria's pitiful chess playing, he/she decided that some insults might demoralize her enough him/her to make a break for it. Claboria looked at NAME with daggers in her eyes, and NAME made a break for the door -- scooping up a few silver chess pieces Claboria had tossed at him/her as he/she fled.
  • 35 XP
  • 21-28 gold

Constitution (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
A mild rumbling sound gave NAME a start until s/he realized it was coming from his/her stomach. All of a sudden, those mushrooms growing in the corner looked mighty tasty . . .

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2,3)

Not only were the mushrooms surprisingly tasty, but they had magical properties that caused NAME's strength to grow! S/he took some extras to sell back in town.
  • +5 Strength for 5 encounters
  • 73 XP
  • 29-37(max) gold
The mushrooms were surprisingly tasty, so much so that NAME ate a rather large meal. S/He was feeling great, or at least s/he was until the queasiness set in. The next ten minutes weren't particularly pleasant.
  • 8-12 damage
  • 28 XP
The sound of slamming doors and rushing water reverberated through the room as soon as NAME tried to open the chest. S/he looked frantically for an exit, but there were none -- and the room was already half full of water. There was nothing to be done but hold his/her breath and hope . . .

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

The swirling waters soon submerged NAME completely, but he/she remained calm and went into a sort of trance, slowing his/her breathing. After what seemed like hours, the water started receding and NAME was able to take a glorious breath of air. When he/she had recovered from the ordeal, he/she grabbed the many gold coins that were now scattered about the room.
  • 2 damage
  • 88 XP
  • 24-28 gold
NAME panicked, and when the water reached his/her mouth he/she hadn't managed to completely fill his/her lungs with air. He/She held out as long as he/she could, but the siren's call of unconsciousness was too much to resist. When he/she came to, he/she was weak and exhausted, although he/she did manage to pick up a few gold coins that were scattered around the room.
  • 11 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 9 gold

A handful of goblins wouldn't have been a problem for NAME-- except for the hexer's blinding hex that caught her/him before she/he could strike the first blow.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

The world went dark for a moment, but NAME blinked it off and laid into the goblin skullcleaver, hexer, and two warriors, finishing them all in under a minute.
  • 4 damage
  • 90 XP
  • 46-53 gold
The world went dark, and the goblins' yelps seemed to grow louder in the absence of light. On the upside, that made it easier to guess where they were. NAME managed to hit them just enough times to down one and scare the others off.
  • 7-12 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 12-18 gold

NAME spent hours straight navigating a spider nest that must have housed thousands of the eight-legged monsters. From what he/she could tell by the thickness and pattern of the webbing, a way out of this mess must be hours ahead, but he/she was nearing exhaustion . . .

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #8)

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

NAME pressed on and made to a safe area just as the skittering of spiders became evident behind him/her. After walling in the beasts with some stones, NAME finally felt safe enough to rest.
  • 95 XP
NAME found an amulet tangled in the webs. The process of trying to free it moved the strands of webbing and alerted the spiders to her location. NAME managed to free the gold chain but not the amulet itself before attempting to flee. It was too late she soon found herself surrounded. She was alarmed by the number of variously sized spiders coming at her, but mainly the 513 tiny ones heading for her mouth.
The statue room seemed a bit out of place here in the dungeon. NAME took a short rest in the gallery filled with statues of brave adventurers. NAME noticed that some of the equipment at the statues' feet was a little too real -- this was no art display! As NAME franticly gathered his things, the medusa was already sneaking up on him, looking to add NAME to its collection.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

NAME was able to avoid the creature's petrifying gaze and made a hasty retreat. In all of the confusion, NAME had also grabbed some of the statues' belongings. NAME felt his body stiffen under the medusa's gaze. The medusa drew back her bow and fired an arrow into NAME's chest. As the medusa closed in to finish NAME, he shook off his affliction and ran from the room.

Dexterity (3 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Reaching the end of a corridor, NAME discovered a small room stocked with brooms and mops that looked strangely like a cleaning closet. Now that he/she thought about it, this dungeon was rather clean. Then again, he/she didn't have much time to think about it -- he/she was more concerned with the skeleton lunging at him/her!

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2)

NAME ducked and the skeleton's bony fingers just raked his/her shoulder. His/her counterattack, on the other hand, scattered the skeleton into pieces The skeleton's bony fingers clutched NAME by the neck, crushing his/her throat. Luckily, NAME had the presence of mind to lash out with both feet, catching the skeleton in the chest and breaking its spine clean in half. NAME fell to the ground, gasping for breath, but was able to move on.
  • 10 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 11-14 gold
Upon venturing into a seemingly empty room, NAME found a treasure chest hiding in a back corner. It didn't take him/her long to realize it was locked.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

NAME deftly managed to not only unlock the chest, but also avoid the traps that were meant for less dexterous adventurers.

Just as NAME was sure he/she'd successfully picked the lock, the sound of breaking glass reminded him to always check for traps first. Poison gas billowed out of the unlocked chest as NAME tried to hold his/her breath and empty its contents into his/her pack. NAME wasn't quite fast enough, and he/she got a lungful of poison for his/her troubles.

'*click* *fwip* "Uh-oh," thought NAME...

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,8x2,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

NAME ducked under the poison needle. He/She proceeded with extreme caution, missing the other trapped flagstones. NAME even found a pile of coins on the body of a less-dexterous adventurer.
  • 95 XP
  • 46-68(max) gold
NAME was hit in the neck by a poison needle. As he/she staggered forward, several more clicks suggested that NAME had taken the wrong path. At least the needles appear to be diamond-tipped.
  • 8-15(max) damage
  • -3 Constitution for 4 encounters
  • 33 XP
  • 18-25(max) gold

Being chased by a mummy through cobwebs in the bowels of a dungeon had always seemed like such a cliche to NAME, until s/he experienced it first hand. Then it felt rather life-threatening. He/She turned down a hallway liberally puddled with some sort of steaming green liquid. It looked like acid, and while NAME was wary of running down the hall, he/she was also wary of the surprisingly fast mummy coming up behind him/her.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

SUCCESS TEXT NAME made it down the hallway, but not without a few acid burns. When he/she turned around, he/she saw the mummy had been even less agile and had completely succumbed to the acid. Fortunately, not all the valuables it carried fell into the acid puddles.
  • 11 damage
  • 40 XP
  • 30 gold

Intelligence (12)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

An iron defender came marching up the hallway towards NAME!

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

Realizing that this would be a tough fight, NAME lured the defender further and further up the corridor, which he/she knew sloped downward and eventually ended in an underground river. Once the defender was partially submerged in the water, it started rusting. Then the fight was a piece of cake.

  • 105 XP
  • 23 gold

NAME went toe to toe with the defender. He eventually came out ahead, but was definitely worse for wear.

  • 12 damage
  • 31 XP
  • 9 gold

NAME stared intently at the runes in front of him/her, trying to decipher them as quickly as possible.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2)

The puzzle proved no match for NAME superior intellect. Soon he/she was enjoying the spoils of a successful solve. NAME tried for what seemed like an eternity, but his/her eventual best guess at a solution only resulted in a small magical explosion.
  • 9-11 damage
  • 31 XP

A gnome arcanist advanced toward NAME, her hands extended menacingly. She started reciting a spell.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

Realizing that the gnome was casting scintillating bolt, NAME dove to the side and avoided the bulk of the blast. From there, he/she was easily able to finish the gnome with his/her WEAPON. The spell turned out to be scintillating bolt, which caught NAME square in the chest. He/She ATTACKED the gnome, defeating her. It was a small consolation for the smell of burnt flesh that permeated the room.
  • 11 damage
  • 20 XP
  • 13 gold

The sounds of bubbling liquid greeted NAME as she/he rounded a corner and came into view of a makeshift alchemy lab. In front of the lab, on the center of the table, sat one completed potion. There were no signs of anyone else around.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2)

NAME analyzed the potion with a critical eye. She/he popped the cork and sniffed it, noting the subtle hint of raspberries. She/he shrugged, nodded, and tipped it back, chugging it in one gulp. Sure enough, in moments her/his wounds were healed!
  • +4-15 Hit Points healed (NOT all damage healed)
  • 70 XP
NAME studied the potion suspiciously. She/He poked it, sniffed it, rolled it around the table (it bubbled angrily), and did everything else she/he could think of to test its qualities. At the end of the process, though, NAME determined that it just wasn't safe and simply picked it up to sell to some unsuspecting customer back in town.
  • 29 XP
  • 14 gold

A group of adventurers was sitting at a table, laughing and having a good time. As NAME approached, he/she realized they were playing three-dragon ante! He/She promptly asked to join in.

NAME played Bahamut at the perfect time and raked in a huge pot. Realizing that was an opportune time to leave, he/she made up an excuse, took his/her winnings, and ran.
  • 82 XP
  • 35 gold
The size of NAME's stack dwindled steadily, until out of sheer frustration he/she decided it was time to start cheating. Unfortunately, one of the more perceptive players at the table noticed this, and the resulting fistfight left NAME battered and bruised (and slightly richer).
  • 10-12 damage
  • 34 XP
  • 7-8 gold

NAME heard dwarven shouts coming from a tunnel off to his left. He soon reached the dwarves, who explained that a Green Slime was wreaking havoc on their mining operation. In the tight spaces of the mine the slime would easily kill NAME in a head on fight, so he had to outsmart it.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

SUCCESS TEXT NAME attempted to barricade the Green Slime in a dead end with some shovels and metal bars, but it turns out that Green Slime finds metal and shovels to be a delicious delicacy! It chased NAME and the dwarves around for half an hour before they all gave up. The dwarves begrudgingly paid NAME a little gold for trying.
  • 11 damage
  • 32 XP
  • 8 gold

Several doors in the hallway were marked with ancient writing.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,2)

NAME had spent a summer as an archivist's assistant in the Alanandyria city library. This really paid off, as NAME knew to avoid the door marked "trap test chamber" and go straight for the one marked "vault." Unable to decipher the writing, NAME decided to start trying doors. He/She found several rooms filled with complex devices, many of which had an excessive number of sharp edges. At least one contraption tried to eat NAME, and he/she did not always escape unscathed. NAME did at least manage to grab a light-refracting gemstone from one diabolical machine before giving up entirely on the hallway.
  • 8-13 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 12-17 gold

The room appeared to be a dead end, but NAME felt there had to be more to it than that.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6,7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,3)

He/she also thought the two four-foot cubes of stone near the middle of the room were suspicious. Inspecting the floor around them, he/she noticed scrape marks next to one of them. He/She pushed the stone from the other side and it moved! It slid across the floor and, with a loud clack, triggered a hidden door, revealing a large store of neatly stacked gold coins.

  • 93 XP
  • 38-47 gold
He/she also thought that some scratch marks on the floor by a four-foot stone cube near the middle of the room were suspicious. He/she couldn't imagine what they meant, however and settled for the gold coins arranged like a flock of birds on the other side of the stone.

  • 26 XP
  • 13-18(max) gold

Upon hearing a yelp and a thump, NAME followed the noise to find an adventurer slumped beside an open chest of coins.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2x2)

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6,7)

Recognizing the dart in the adventurer's neck as a poisoned sleeping dart commonly used by the Behrindi tribe that most likely built this dungeon, he/she mixed the simple antidote from things she/he had in his/her pack and revived the adventurer. Grateful, the young explorer insisted NAME have all the contents of the chest before hurrying out of the dungeon and back to town.
  • 88 XP
  • 47-56(max) gold
Unable to revive the adventurer, NAME scooped up a handful of coins before leaving.
  • 31 XP
  • 13-14 gold

When you fight a gelatinous cube, there are some very important things you need to know.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6,7)

Armed with that knowledge, NAME was able to defeat the strange creature and reap the rewards. NAME didn't know them, and decided to run away instead. At least he/she found some coins along the way.
  • 33 XP
  • 16 gold

NAME entered [a] cylindrical room and the door slammed shut behind him/her. NAME then noticed numbered dials next to the door. Above the dials were the words "What is the value of this room?" As he/she pondered this existential question, a copper piece hit him/her on the head. Then another. Then twenty, then fifty. The room quickly began to fill with copper pieces, and he/she decided he/she had better do some math, and fast.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6,7)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

While being pelted with coins, he/she approximated the dimensions of the room, picked up a handful of coins, and crunched some numbers. While he/she turned the dials to the answer, the coins reached his/her mouth and began to seriously weigh down on him/her. The door popped open and NAME rode a wave of coins into the next room. In the better light, NAME noticed some of them were gold!
  • 3-6(max) damage
  • 95 XP
  • 45-75(max) gold
NAME really wished he/she had paid more attention in hoarding class. As he/she began to suffocate under a king's ransom, the force of the money popped the door open. Coughing, NAME counted his/her blessings -- whoever had set that trap was as bad at math as he/she was.
  • 7 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 15 gold

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME silently hoped he/she remembered the classic undead chess openings.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #6)

Halfway through the game, NAME noticed that Claboria got fairly angry when losing. NAME decided to try a new strategy -- let the vampire win. As Claboria put NAME in checkmate, they had a good laugh, some good wine, and NAME went on his/her way with a solid-gold bishop as a souvenir.
  • 87 XP
  • 36-59 gold
NAME quickly realize that Claboria wasn't the sharpest undead chess player in the shed, and easily beat her. Enraged, Claboria hurled a solid-gold pawn at NAME. She lodged it deeply into NAME's leg with her astounding vampiric strength.
  • 12 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 15 gold

Strength (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME cautiously entered a new room and was surprised to see a group of gnomes gathered around an arm wrestling match. One noticed him and grinned, motioning to the game. "Want in?" NAME nodded and accepted the challenge. Just how strong could a gnome really be?

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,2)

The gnome put up more of a fight than NAME had bargained for, but in the end those puny arms were no match for NAME's might. The gnomes grumbled at first, but eventually paid up.
  • 82 XP
  • 25-36 gold
Supremely confident, NAME sat down. He/She started the match strong, almost pinning the gnome's puny arm right off the bat. Suddenly, though, the gnome found his second wind and NAME found himself in serious trouble! Before he/she knew it, the match was over and NAME's wrist was quite sore, possibly broken.
  • 8 damage
  • -5 Strength for 4 encounters.
  • 26 XP

The grating sound of stone on stone alerted NAME to a potential problem. The walls of the corridor s/he was standing in had begun closing in!

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,2)

NAME started sprinting, hoping to make it out of the trapped section, but it quickly became clear that she/he wasn't going to make it. Realizing there were no other options, she/he stood her/his ground, pushing back the walls through a sheer feat of strength. By keeping this up, NAME was able to inch forward and eventually escape the trap.
  • 75 XP
NAME took one look at the walls and realized that there was no way s/he'd be able to hold them back with his/her bare hands, so there was only one other option -- RUN! S/he started sprinting, but a sickening crunch of bones told him/her that s/he didn't quite make it in time.
  • 5-8 damage
  • -5 Dexterity for 8 encounters.
  • 25 XP

NAME had come upon a treasure trove of some sort. Whoever owned this was going to be back soon, so NAME quickly pocketed anything he could.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

NAME ran for his/her life with a hefty bag of treasure in tow. He/She was long gone by time the lich had returned to its lair. It never even knew he/she was there. The stones were too big to move, and there wasn't enough of a gap to squeeze through. NAME had to find another way around. On the upside, the longer route took her/him through a hall with a valuable-looking painting on the wall.
  • 32 XP
  • 18 gold

NAME entered a dead-end marble room. There, under a devious trap, laid a recently killed adventurer. From what NAME could tell, the giant emerald used as bait would be his/hers if he/she could lift the device.

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7x2)

NAME hefted the trap out of the way, claimed the flawless emerald, and gave his/her fallen comrade in dungeoneering a proper burial.
  • 100 XP
  • 55 gold
NAME had almost lifted the main arm of the device out of the way when her/his arms gave out. The device impaled its victim again, and rather inelegantly. NAME decided to salvage as much of the trap as possible and leave before desecrating the dead any more.

The passageway was partially blocked by a cave-in.

It took NAME a few minutes to move enough stones out of the way to squeeze through, but it was worth it. He/She found quite a bit of treasure on the other side.
  • 95 XP
  • 44 gold
The stones were too big to move, and there wasn't enough of a gap to squeeze through. NAME had to find another way around. On the upside, the longer route took him/her through a hall with a valuable-looking painting on the wall.
  • 32 XP
  • 15 gold

Wisdom (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A large chest sat in the center of the room on a raised dais.

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #2)

Rather than act hastily, NAME first scoured the room for traps, and quickly found signs of a force trap that was aimed directly at his/her chest. He/She took some stones and threw them onto the dais. Sure enough, the trap sprang. When it was finished, NAME calmly looted the chest.
  • 94 XP
  • ? gold
  • ?magic item?
NAME strode directly forward, intent on opening the chest. As soon as his/her foot touched the dais, he/she sprang a force trap, knocking him/her clean off his/her feet. When NAME recovered, he/she looted the chest (or what was left of it) and moved on, resolving to learn from his/her mistakes.
  • 11 damage
  • +3 Wisdom for 8 encounters
  • 23 XP
  • 8-9 gold

NAME discovered an intricate statue of a lizardman sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty room.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 13

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1,2)

It didn't take NAME long to find the hidden switch underneath the lizardman's tail. He/she threw the switch and a wall slid back, revealing a hidden treasure. Upon closer inspection, there was a gleaming ruby set in the forehead of the statue. NAME quickly pried it free and went on her/his merry way.
  • 23 XP
  • 6-9 gold

While exploring a corridor, NAME saw a rat run past him/her going the other way. It was soon followed by another . . . and another . . . and then a few more. Soon, they were coming five at a time.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 14

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #1)

A hundred rats can't all be wrong, or so NAME thought. He/She turned around and got out of there fast. Choosing a side route he/she'd overlooked at the last intersection, NAME found some sort of gallery with a few pieces of jewelry almost falling off pedestals.
  • 86 XP
  • ? gold
Curious, NAME pressed on despite the ever increasing flood of rats. When he/she came face-to-sunken ghostly visage with a wraith, he/she too made like a rat and ran. Panicked and weakened, NAME didn't stop until he/she stumbled into a storage room several hallways away. At least someone had left a sack of gold there to keep him/her company.
  • 7-9 damage
  • -3 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 14-21 gold

NAME had been crawling through a tight passageway for nearly a mile. Upon exiting and stretching out his/her legs, NAME was beset by an angry storm giant. NAME wondered how he/she was going to get out of this one.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 15

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

Thinking quickly, NAME dived back into the tight passageway. The giant, unable to reach NAME raged at him/her for a few minutes before giving up and wandering away. NAME held still a bit to make sure the coast was clear, then hopped back out.
  • 95 XP
NAME was slow in reaching for his WEAPON. The giant, not so much. It smacked NAME right back into the tight passageway he had just exited. Crawling back in there under his own power probably would've worked much better.
  • 12-15 damage
  • 33 XP

NAME comes face to "face" with a magic mouth. It said in a booming voice, "A rolling stone gathers no moss. What wisdom do you offer me?"

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 16

(found in Mystery of the Moaning Mine, encounter #7)

NAME replied, "Don't waste time reinventing the wheel. Tie wheels together and reinvent a wagon." Smiling, the magic mouth sent him on his way with a nice item. NAME said, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." The magic mouth frowned and made NAME stick around until he could come up with something better.
  • 32 XP

Level 5[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(1) Giants[]
(1) Magic[]
(6 + 1 rare) Traps[]
(3) Undead[]

Armor Class (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While trying to pry open a chest he/she had found in the corner of a dusty chamber, NAME heard an ominous click.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,7)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

He/She cringed, moving almost entirely into a fetal position -- which was a good thing, because that put his/her armor between him/her and the darts that shot out of one of the walls. When the danger had clearly passed, he/she finished opening the chest and stuffed the gold inside into his/her pack.

  • 2-3 damage
  • 84 XP
  • 45-67 gold
Immediately thereafter, he/she felt an ominous pain in his/her neck and the sudden onset of an ominous wooziness. NAME dreamt of a shadowy figure filling its pack with coins. When he/she awoke, he/she found the chest open but containing only a small number of coins.
  • 7-12 damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 26 XP
  • 11-18 gold

NAME gritted his/her teeth as he/she stumbled through a tripwire in a narrow corridor. When he/she saw the miniature cannon fire straight at his/her chest, there was nothing he/she could to do but brace for the impact.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,7,9)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6)

NAME's armor absorbed most of the blow. Picking up the projectile, he/she wondered who would use a gold cannonball.
  • 3-6(max) damage
  • 99 XP
  • 45-75(max) gold
NAME was knocked over by the blow. When he/she recovered, NAME picked up the projectile and wondered who would use a gold cannonball.
  • 8-14 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 21-25 gold

When NAME saw the orc patrol, he/she knew that he'd/she'd defeat them. How much he/she would suffer in return was the real question.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,7,8,9)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

NAME's armor protected him/her well, and the dozen orcs at his/her feet had barely touched him/her.
  • 3-6 damage
  • 98 XP
  • 58-74 gold
While alive, NAME is going to be sore for a while after that fight.
  • 7-15 damage
  • 34 XP
  • 15-24 gold

In a rocky, twisting tunnel between more carefully carved sections of the dungeon, NAME passed a rock that seemed to radiate heat. As soon as his/her back was to the rock, he/she realized that something was not right about it.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,8)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw that almost raked across his/her back. Having lost its element of surprise, the vicious magma claw was quickly dispatched by NAME. Around the next corner, s/he found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast. His/Her first clue should have been the fact that the rock was hot, but instead it was the burning hot claw raking across his/her back. Even though it had gotten the first strike, the magma claw was soon felled by NAME. Around the next corner he/she found equipment left by less fortunate adventurers, much of it half eaten by the elemental beast.

Attack Bonus (8)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Rustling and clanking sounds came from a corridor as NAME approached. Tiptoeing past the mossy bricks, he/she peeked into a room to see two gnome arcanists and two iron defenders discussing a small pile of treasure.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #7)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

Using the element of surprise to his/her advantage, NAME let them have it with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The fight was over in short order, and he/she made off with all the loot. NAME leaped into the room, dancing WEAPON first, planted both feet on the pile of loot and wildly missed one of the gnomes. It seemed as though the room had a missing curse upon it, at least until one of the iron defenders managed to bite NAME on the arm. NAME fled the room and shook the monsters by running down a branching corridor of the dungeon. When he/she stopped to catch his breath, he/she noticed an emerald necklace had gotten tangled up on his/her boot.
  • 10 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 20 gold

In a hallway packed with leaky barrels, NAME heard and then saw a couple of trained wolves sniffing around. They were followed by two elves with longsword and bow drawn. The wolves couldn't smell NAME over the stench of oil. Spotting a puddle of oil between the wolves and their masters, he/she hatched a cunning plan.

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7)

Hiding behind a barrel, NAME' lobbed a rock at a torch on the wall, knocking it right into the oil. The flames separated the wolves from their handlers, and the smoke blocked the archers' sight lines while NAME took down the wolves. Leaping over the flames, NAME'ATTACKED one of the elves on his/her way down. NAME's WEAPON made quick work of the other elf shortly thereafter.
  • 90 XP
  • 44-50 gold
He/She threw a rock as hard as he/she could, trying to knock a torch off the wall. It wobbled but did not fall. He/she had to fight the wolves and the elves all at once. It wasn't fun, but he/she was up to the task . . . barely.

  • 8-12 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 17-21 gold
The angry ghost of some long dead adventurer was lurking about. It hovered over a skeleton decked out in a dusty (but clearly top-quality) suit of delver's leather.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #7,8)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7,8)

Leading with his/her courage and finishing with his/her WEAPON TYPE, NAME sent the phantom warrior to its final resting place. NAME's courage held strong, but his/her WEAPON was no match for the phantom warrior's sword. Wounded, he/she left the ghost to guard its body alone.
  • 9 damage
  • 24 XP

NAME had been walking down a hallway for a while when he/she noticed that all of its walls were engraved with the symbols of Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls. Hearing scrabbling up ahead, he/she pulled his/her WEAPON TYPE and charged into the impending gnoll horde.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6,7,9)

Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. He/She charged past their front ranks and rushed the huntmaster at the rear. The gnoll's bow was little help against NAME's brazen assault. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • 3-6(max) damage
  • 95 XP
  • 47-75(max) gold
Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. From the rear, the gnoll huntmaster drew back his bow as his horrible horde assailed NAME. took many arrows fighting his/her way through the gnoll mass to get to the huntmaster. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • 7-15 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 15-22 gold

NAME saw a kitten shaking in the corner of a small room. When he/she went to pet its tentacle, he/she noticed two odd things. First, his/her hand passed through the air where his eyes could have sworn the kitten should have been and, second, kittens shouldn't have tentacles. A young displacer beast!

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,7)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6)

NAME bolted the beast mightily! The displacer beast gazed upon him with pleading eyes as it breathed its last breath. Displacer beast veal should sell well, if only NAME could figure out where the carcass was.

  • 95 XP
  • 44-68 gold
NAME slashed wide, missing the tricky creature. The displacer kitten raked its claws across NAME's face and ran off hissing. It must have just wanted to be left alone.
  • 11-13 damage
  • 33 XP

Finding a warmer area of the dungeon, NAME happened upon a fellow adventurer. A female elf huddled in the corner, shaking from the cold. NAME approached her, but the elf was clearly crazed or enchanted. Looking straight at NAME, she cried out "No . . . back! No more zombies!" and lunged at NAME. Reluctantly, NAME prepared for a fight.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7,9)

In her weakened state, the elf wasn't much of an opponent. At the moment NAME landed his final blow, a look of clarity passed over the elf's face. "Please . . . tell my husband I love him . . . tell him nothing of how I died," and then slumped to the floor dead. NAME took the elf's ring and set out to find her spouse. The elf's crazed blows were too erratic for NAME to handle. After a few minutes, NAME hoped that playing possum would get the elf to leave him/her alone. NAME crashed to the floor. The elf poked NAME a few times, then ran off into the dungeon screaming, leaving most of her belongings behind.

Detecting fresh air, NAME found an opening twenty feet overhead. Suddenly, a dead gazelle fell through the hole.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8,9,10)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7,8)

The gazelle was followed by a pack of ravenous wolves that didn't seem to notice NAME. He/She waited for the wolves to become distracted by their meal and then struck. NAME had the hides made into armor when he/she got back to town. NAME was so surprised by the gazelle that he/she didn't notice the pack of wolves that followed it. The wolves got a few bites in before NAME slew them.
  • 8-13 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 15-22 gold

The torch NAME held somehow couldn't penetrate the darkness in the corner of the room. Clearly, something unnatural was going on. NAME feared the worst. Tightening his/her grip on his WEAPON, NAME attacked the darkness.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,7,8,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

A deafening echo filled the small room as NAME's WEAPON TYPE found its mark. A wounded shadow hound slinked out of the darkness, growling and baring its teeth. The evil beast had no place in this world, and NAME destroyed it without mercy. NAME hit nothing but the stones of the floor. He/She relaxed too soon, as a deafening echo filled the small room. A shadow hound leaped at NAME from the unnatural darkness it had created. It bowled him/her over, but NAME soon gained the upper hand and put the the evil dog down for good.
  • 8-13 damage
  • 40 XP
  • 18-29 gold

Charisma (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME had just finished off the last monster and was about to pick up the spoils when a human mage burst into the room and offered to graciously split the loot fifty-fifty, as if he had been there the whole time and had defeated them all himself.

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7)

NAME diplomatically explained to the mage that he must have been under an evil spell because he wasn't even there and didn't help at all. pointed the poor buggar toward the exit and recommended he seek professional help. Try as he/she might, NAME could not convince the mage he was wrong. Somehow, NAME ended up on the wrong end of a forty-sixty split after thirty-five minutes of argument.
  • ? damage
  • 33 XP
  • ? gold

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME thought that a quick little talk would work best in this situation.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8,9,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6,7,8)

As NAME lost his/her last rook, he/she decided to play on the vampire's vanity. A few minutes of overstating Claboria's chess prowess seemed to do the trick, and soon NAME was leaving the room -- with a solid gold knight as a souvenir.
  • 106 XP
  • 46-68 gold
As NAME dominated Claboria's pitiful chess playing, he/she decided that some insults might demoralize her enough him/her to make a break for it. Claboria looked at NAME with daggers in her eyes, and NAME made a break for the door -- scooping up a few silver chess pieces Claboria had tossed at him/her as he/she fled.
  • 35 XP
  • 21-29 gold

Finding a well hidden secret door, NAME entered a passageway that he/she thought would cut nearly a day off of his/her travels. Feeling smug, NAME pressed through a heavy hanging tapestry -- and entered a beholder's den. As the monster turned to focus its eyes, it was clear that NAME needed some fast talk to get out of this one.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,7,10)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

"Hello, sir, I'm here on behalf of the Nightsurge Society. We're here to ensure a being as magnificent as you is free of troubles and heard your orb was in need of repair" NAME said as he deftly lifted a nearby orb off the floor. "I'll have it back to you by the end of the week, sir!" NAME called behind him as he quickly made for the exit, leaving the stunned beholder behind. "I'm . . . here to . . . um . . . repair your orb?" NAME mumbled as he clumsily picked a glass orb off the floor near the beholder, and nervously examined it. Not fooled by NAME's ruse, the beholder angrily blasted him out of its den.

Constitution (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A handful of goblins wouldn't have been a problem for NAME-- except for the hexer's blinding hex that caught her/him before she/he could strike the first blow.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,7)

The world went dark for a moment, but NAME blinked it off and laid into the goblin skullcleaver, hexer, and two warriors, finishing them all in under a minute.
  • 5 damage
  • 90 XP
  • 52 gold
The world went dark, and the goblins' yelps seemed to grow louder in the absence of light. On the upside, that made it easier to guess where they were. NAME managed to hit them just enough times to down one and scare the others off.
  • 9-13 damage
  • 28 XP
  • 12 gold

NAME spent hours straight navigating a spider nest that must have housed thousands of the eight-legged monsters. From what he/she could tell by the thickness and pattern of the webbing, a way out of this mess must be hours ahead, but he/she was nearing exhaustion . . .

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #10x2)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,7,9)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6,9)

NAME pressed on and made to a safe area just as the skittering of spiders became evident behind him/her. After walling in the beasts with some stones, NAME finally felt safe enough to rest.
  • 95 XP
NAME found an amulet tangled in the webs. The process of trying to free it moved the strands of webbing and alerted the spiders to his/her location. NAME managed to free the gold chain but not the amulet itself before attempting to flee. It was too late he/she found him/herself surrounded. He/She was alarmed by the number of variously sized spiders coming at him/her, but mainly the 513 tiny ones heading for his/her mouth.

The statue room seemed a bit out of place here in the dungeon. NAME took a short rest in the gallery filled with statues of brave adventurers. NAME noticed that some of the equipment at the statues' feet was a little too real -- this was no art display! As NAME franticly gathered his/her things, the medusa was already sneaking up on him/her, looking to add NAME to its collection.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,9,11)

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

NAME was able to avoid the creature's petrifying gaze and made a hasty retreat. In all of the confusion, NAME had also grabbed some of the statues' belongings. NAME felt his/her body stiffen under the medusa's gaze. The medusa drew back her bow and fired an arrow into NAME's chest. As the medusa closed in to finish NAME, he/she shook off his/her affliction and ran from the room.

Dexterity (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
'*click* *fwip* "Uh-oh," thought NAME...

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,8,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

NAME ducked under the poison needle. He/She proceeded with extreme caution, missing the other trapped flagstones. NAME even found a pile of coins on the body of a less-dexterous adventurer.
  • 95 XP
  • 46-68 gold
NAME was hit in the neck by a poison needle. As he/she staggered forward, several more clicks suggested that NAME had taken the wrong path. At least the needles appear to be diamond-tipped.
  • 7-15(max) damage
  • -3 Constitution for 4 encounters
  • 33 XP
  • 16-25(max) gold

NAME was wondering about the seemingly impossible variety of the creatures and environments he/she had encountered in dungeons during his/her life when he/she came upon a circular room with four doors.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,8,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8,9)

NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. He/She slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward him/her. Again, he/she quickly shut the door. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME peeked in. He/She had no intentions of going in there. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME led the dwarf safely back to the dungeon entrance and the dwarf rewarded him/her for his help. NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. She/he slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward her/him. She/he had no intentions of going in there. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME looked in. The heat of the magma burned her/him from head to toe before she/he quickly shut the door. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME instructed the dwarf in a safe path out of the dungeon and the dwarf rewarded her/him for his help.

Intelligence (8 + 2 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME heard dwarven shouts coming from a tunnel off to his/her left. He/She soon reached the dwarves, who explained that a Green Slime was wreaking havoc on their mining operation. In the tight spaces of the mine the slime would easily kill NAME in a head on [sic] fight, so he/she had to outsmart it.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

NAME asked the Dwarves to gather up a few rats and then used some rope to tie the rats together. Using this as bait, he/she lured the Green Slime right into a pit filled with burning torches. The dwarves gleefully poured lamp oil on the burning slime, which accelerated the incineration process. They rewarded NAME well for devising such a cunning plan. NAME attempted to barricade the Green Slime in a dead end with some shovels and metal bars, but it turns out that Green Slime finds metal and shovels to be a delicious delicacy! It chased NAME and the dwarves around for half an hour before they all gave up. The dwarves begrudgingly paid NAME a little gold for trying.
  • 9 damage
  • 32 XP
  • 13 gold

An ogre warhulk charged out of nowhere toward NAME.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #8,9,10)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

NAME would have been bashed to smithereens, but he/she instead stepped slightly to the side, stretched one foot out into the ogre's path, tightly closed his/her eyes, and waited for the ogre to trip headfirst onto a large stalagmite. The stupidity of ogres is legendary. The ogre was too strong for NAME to go toe-to-toe with it. Luckily for NAME, it must have had some other important business to attend to. It smashed NAME aside with its spiky club without a backward glance and ran by.
  • 8-15 damage
  • 32 XP

Several doors in the hallway were marked with ancient writing.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,8)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7,8)

NAME had spent a summer as an archivist's assistant in the Alanandyria city library. This really paid off, as NAME knew to avoid the door marked "trap test chamber" and go straight for the one marked "vault." Unable to decipher the writing, NAME decided to start trying doors. He/She found several rooms filled with complex devices, many of which had an excessive number of sharp edges. At least one contraption tried to eat NAME, and he/she did not always escape unscathed. NAME did at least manage to grab a light-refracting gemstone from one diabolical machine before giving up entirely on the hallway.
  • 8-11 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 12-17 gold

Upon hearing a yelp and a thump, NAME followed the noise to find an adventurer slumped beside an open chest of coins.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6)

Recognizing the dart in the adventurer's neck as a poisoned sleeping dart commonly used by the Behrindi tribe that most likely built this dungeon, he/she mixed the simple antidote from things he/she had in her pack and revived the adventurer. Grateful, the young explorer insisted NAME have all the contents of the chest before hurrying out of the dungeon and back to town.
  • 88 XP
  • 36-50 gold
Unable to revive the adventurer, NAME scooped up a handful of coins before leaving.
  • 31 XP
  • 11-16 gold

The room appeared to be a dead end, but NAME felt there had to be more to it than that.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,7)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

He/She also thought the two four-foot cubes of stone near the middle of the room were suspicious. Inspecting the floor around them, he/she noticed scrape marks next to one of them. He/She pushed the stone from the other side and it moved! It slid across the floor and, with a loud clack, triggered a hidden door, revealing a large store of neatly stacked gold coins.

  • 93 XP
  • 44-54 gold
He/She also thought that some scratch marks on the floor by a four-foot stone cube near the middle of the room were suspicious. He/She couldn't imagine what they meant, however and settled for the gold coins arranged like a flock of birds on the other side of the stone.

  • 26 XP
  • 14-16 gold

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME silently hoped he/she remembered the classic undead chess openings.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,7,8,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6)

Halfway through the game, NAME noticed that Claboria got fairly angry when losing. NAME decided to try a new strategy -- let the vampire win. As Claboria put NAME in checkmate, they had a good laugh, some good wine, and NAME went on his/her way with a solid-gold bishop as a souvenir.
  • 87 XP
  • 36-60(max) gold
NAME quickly realize [sic] that Claboria wasn't the sharpest undead chess player in the shed, and easily beat her. Enraged, Claboria hurled a solid-gold pawn at NAME. She lodged it deeply into NAME's leg with her astounding vampiric strength.
  • 9-14 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 16-24 gold

When you fight a gelatinous cube, there are some very important things you need to know.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7,9)

Armed with that knowledge, NAME was able to defeat the strange creature and reap the rewards. NAME didn't know them, and decided to run away instead. At least he/she found some coins along the way.
  • 33 XP
  • 16-24 gold

NAME entered [a] cylindrical room and the door slammed shut behind him/her. NAME then noticed numbered dials next to the door. Above the dials were the words "What is the value of this room?" As he/she pondered this existential question, a copper piece hit him/her on the head. Then another. Then twenty, then fifty. The room quickly began to fill with copper pieces, and he/she decided he/she had better do some math, and fast.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,8,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #5,6,8,9)

While being pelted with coins, he/she approximated the dimensions of the room, picked up a handful of coins, and crunched some numbers. While he/she turned the dials to the answer, the coins reached his/her mouth and began to seriously weigh down on him/her. The door popped open and NAME rode a wave of coins into the next room. In the better light, NAME noticed some of them were gold!
  • 3-6 damage
  • 95 XP
  • 45-95 gold
NAME really wished he/she had paid more attention in hoarding class. As he/she began to suffocate under a king's ransom, the force of the money popped the door open. Coughing, NAME counted his/her blessings -- whoever had set that trap was as bad at math as he/she was.
  • 7-15(max) damage
  • 33 XP
  • 16-26(max) gold

NAME entered a massive cavern that looked like it was used for large gatherings. Suddenly, darkness swallowed the room, and a glowing figure appeeared floating above her/him. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Three glowing doors appeared behind Plurbius as he gestured toward them "One of these doors leads one step closer to your destination, one leads to a horrible death, and the other, well . . ." Plurbius chuckled at the thought of the third door. "You may ask me three yes or no questions, none of which may be related to these doors or your quest. I will answer truthfully. Then you must pick one of the doors. You have one minute to gather your thoughts!" NAME thought long and hard.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5, 11)

(found in The Devil of Drakewood, encounter #3)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #9)

". . . no," answered Plurbius. Smiling, NAME boldly opened the third door and stepped through it. As he/she entered the next room, he/she heard Plurbius scream behind him/her, "You won't be so lucky next time!" ". . . yes," answered Plurbius. Smiling, NAME boldly opened the second door and stepped through it. NAME, tripped over a bucket filled with tools and plaster. Plurbius, obviously embarrassed said "You just had to pick the one that was still under construction! Look, just take number three. When we next meet, I won't be so generous!" NAME warily but safely opened the third door.

NAME crawled through a hole in the wall to enter a massive cavern. Gloom shrouded the chamber, and suddenly a glowing figure appeared floating above him/her. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Seven identical balls appeared, slowly spinning around Plurbius. "All of these balls are the same, except for one that has spent time in jail." The balls slowly came to rest at NAME's feet. "Describe how you would tell which one of these was different using an astrolabe." NAME was in a deadly game -- for his/her life!

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7)

". . . that's actually very clever," said Plurbius, obviously disappointed. The light slowly returned to the room. "Go on ahead, but I'm going to have a really tough one for you later. Seriously."

". . . but if the first warden had never heard of him, you'd be out of your astrolabe!" Laughing at your foolishness, Plurbius shouted, "Release the scythes!" A lone scythe dropped flatly on NAME's head, which hurt but wasn't that dangerous. Disappointed, Plurbius faded from view, mumbling "'Oh, don't worry Plurbius, we'll have thirty scythes . . . and they'll spin and shred . . . ' Last time I use gnome contractors."

Strength (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
The passageway was partially blocked by a cave-in.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #7) (found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8)

It took NAME a few minutes to move enough stones out of the way to squeeze through, but it was worth it. He/She found quite a bit of treasure on the other side.
  • 95 XP
  • 43-47 gold
NAME had come upon a treasure trove of some sort. Whoever owned this was going to be back soon, so NAME quickly pocketed anything he/she could.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #7,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6,9)

NAME ran for his/her life with a hefty bag of treasure in tow. He/She was long gone by time the lich had returned to its lair. It never even knew he/she was there. As the lich returned to his lair, NAME ran for his/her life with a hefty bag of treasure in tow. Far too hefty, it turned out -- NAME couldn't move fast enough. As the lich gave chase, after getting hit by a few spells NAME dumped treasure to lighten his/her load and narrowly escaped.

NAME entered a dead-end marble room. There, under a devious trap, laid a recently killed adventurer. From what NAME could tell, the giant emerald used as bait would be his/hers if he/she could lift the device.

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,7,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #6,7,9)

NAME hefted the trap out of the way, claimed the flawless emerald, and gave his/her fallen comrade in dungeoneering a proper burial.
  • 100 XP
  • 42-66 gold
NAME had almost lifted the main arm of the device out of the way when his/her arms gave out. The device impaled its victim again, and rather inelegantly. NAME decided to salvage as much of the trap as possible and leave before desecrating the dead any more.

Wisdom (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While exploring a corridor, NAME saw a rat run past him going the other way. It was soon followed by another . . . and another . . . and then a few more. Soon, they were coming five at a time.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 14

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #6)

A hundred rats can't all be wrong, or so NAME thought. He/She turned around and got out of there fast. Choosing a side route he/she'd overlooked at the last intersection, NAME found some sort of gallery with a few pieces of jewelry almost falling off pedestals.
  • 86 XP
  • 35-42 gold
Curious, NAME pressed on despite the ever increasing flood of rats. When she came face-to-sunken ghostly visage with a wraith, she too made like a rat and ran. Panicked and weakened, NAME didn't stop until she stumbled into a storage room several hallways away. At least someone had left a sack of gold there to keep her company.
  • 6 damage
  • -3 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 28 XP
  • 16 gold

NAME had been crawling through a tight passageway for nearly a mile. Upon exiting and stretching out his/her legs, NAME was beset by an angry storm giant. NAME wondered how s/he was going to get out of this one.

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #7,8,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #7)

Thinking quickly, NAME dived back into the tight passageway. The giant, unable to reach NAME, raged at him/her for a few minutes before giving up and wandering away. NAME held still a bit to make sure the coast was clear, then hopped back out.
  • 95 XP
NAME was slow in reaching for his/her WEAPON. The giant, not so much. It smacked NAME right back into the tight passageway he/she had just exited. Crawling back in there under his/her own power probably would've worked much better.
  • 7-15(max) damage
  • 33 XP

NAME comes [sic] face to "face" with a magic mouth. It said in a booming voice, "A rolling stone gathers no moss. What wisdom do you offer me?"

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 16

(found in Fortress of the Fire Lord, encounter #9,10)

(found in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams, encounter #5,6,7,9,10,11)

(found in Vanished in the Night, encounter #8,9)

NAME replied, "Don't waste time reinventing the wheel. Tie wheels together and reinvent a wagon." Smiling, the magic mouth sent him on his way with a nice item. NAME said, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." The magic mouth frowned and made NAME stick around until he could come up with something better.
  • 32 XP

Level 6[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(1) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(5) Traps[]
(2) Undead[]

Armor Class (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME gritted his/her teeth as he/she stumbled through a tripwire in a narrow corridor. When he/she saw the miniature cannon fire straight at his/her chest, there was nothing he/she could to do but brace for the impact.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6x2,7,8)

NAME's armor absorbed most of the blow. Picking up the projectile, he/she wondered who would use a gold cannonball.
  • 3-6 damage
  • 99 XP
  • 59-63 gold
NAME was knocked over by the blow. When she/he recovered, NAME picked up the projectile and wondered who would use a gold cannonball.
  • 7-10 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 19-21 gold
When NAME saw the orc patrol, he/she knew that he/she'd defeat them. How much he/she would suffer in return was the real question.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7,8)

NAME's armor protected him/her well, and the dozen orcs at his/her feet had barely touched him/her.
  • 4-6 damage
  • 98 XP
  • 22-72 gold
While alive, NAME is going to be sore for a while after that fight.
  • 8 damage
  • 34 XP
  • 15 gold

Everyone knows that the evil reputation of tieflings is just a stereotype and they aren't all sneaky evil backstabbers. But the tiefling darkblade that stepped out of the shadows to stab NAME in the back was not helping their image.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7)

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #5,6)

NAMEs's armor was just enough to protect him/her from the tiefling's poisoned blade. The tiefling's armor was not nearly enough to protect her from NAME's fearsome counterattack. The poisoned blade bit into NAME's flank, and she/he had to fight the effects long enough to fend off his/her assailant. When the darkblade realized the fight would not go her way, she vanished into the shadows. She had no idea NAME had cut her purse loose during the fight.
  • 14 damage
  • -5 Constitution for 2 encounters
  • 41 XP
  • 31 gold

Attack Bonus (6)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME saw a kitten shaking in the corner of a small room. When he/she went to pet its tentacle, he/she noticed two odd things. First, his/her hand passed through the air where his eyes could have sworn the kitten should have been and, second, kittens shouldn't have tentacles. A young displacer beast!

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7,8)

NAME bolted the beast mightily! The displacer beast gazed upon him with pleading eyes as it breathed its last breath. Displacer beast veal should sell well, if only NAME could figure out where the carcass was.

  • 95 XP
  • 53-67 gold
NAME slashed wide, missing the tricky creature. The displacer kitten raked its claws across NAME's face and ran off hissing. It must have just wanted to be left alone.
  • ? damage
  • 33 XP
NAME had been walking down a hallway for a while when he/she noticed that all of its walls were engraved with the symbols of Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls. Hearing scrabbling up ahead, he/she pulled his/her WEAPONTYPE and charged into the impending gnoll horde.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6x2)

Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. He/She charged past their front ranks and rushed the huntmaster at the rear. The gnoll's bow was little help against NAME's brazen assault. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • 4-6 damage
  • 95 XP
  • 67-72 gold
Taking the gnolls by surprise, NAME killed three of them before they had even finished drawing their weapons. From the rear, the gnoll huntmaster drew back his bow as his horrible horde assailed NAME. took many arrows fighting his/her way through the gnoll mass to get to the huntmaster. Knowing that gnolls show no mercy, NAME treated them in kind. He/She sent the demon worshipers to visit their horrible god.
  • ? damage
  • 33 XP
  • ? gold

Detecting fresh air, NAME found an opening twenty feet overhead. Suddenly, a dead gazelle fell through the hole.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7x2)

The gazelle was followed by a pack of ravenous wolves that didn't seem to notice NAME. S/he waited for the wolves to become distracted by their meal and then struck. NAME had the hides made into armor when s/he got back to town. NAME was so surprised by the gazelle that he/she didn't notice the pack of wolves that followed it. The wolves got a few bites in before NAME slew them.
  • 13 damage
  • 35 XP
  • 24 gold
Finding a warmer area of the dungeon, NAME happened upon a fellow adventurer. A female elf huddled in the corner, shaking from the cold. NAME approached her, but the elf was clearly crazed or enchanted. Looking straight at NAME, she cried out "No . . . back! No more zombies!" and lunged at NAME. Reluctantly, NAME prepared for a fight.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7,8)

In her weakened state, the elf wasn't much of an opponent. At the moment NAME landed his final blow, a look of clarity passed over the elf's face. "Please . . . tell my husband I love him . . . tell him nothing of how I died," and then slumped to the floor dead. NAME took the elf's ring and set out to find her spouse. The elf's crazed blows were too erratic for NAME to handle. After a few minutes, NAME hoped that playing possum would get the elf to leave him/her alone. NAME crashed to the floor. The elf poked NAME a few times, then ran off into the dungeon screaming, leaving most of her belongings behind.

The torch NAME held somehow couldn't penetrate the darkness in the corner of the room. Clearly, something unnatural was going on. NAME feared the worst. Tightening his/her grip on his/her WEAPON, NAME attacked the darkness.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #5x3,7,8) (found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #6,7)

A deafening echo filled the small room as NAME's WEAPON TYPE found its mark. A wounded shadow hound slinked out of the darkness, growling and baring its teeth. The evil beast had no place in this world, and NAME destroyed it without mercy. NAME hit nothing but the stones of the floor. He/she relaxed too soon, as a deafening echo filled the small room. A shadow hound leaped at NAME from the unnatural darkness it had created. It bowled him over, but NAME soon gained the upper hand and put the the evil dog down for good.
  • 8-16 damage
  • 40 XP
  • 24-29 gold

How the halfling prowlers thought they could keep their presence hidden while their human berserker companion kept asking them questions was not the issue, so much as it was what should be done about the lot of them as they passed by the room in which NAME had recently discovered some valuable items.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6-8)

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #5)

"Life is short, kill berserkers first," NAME's mother had always told him/her. So he/she flung the door open with the precise timing required to knock the berserker off his feet. A quick bit of WEAPONTYPE action against his/her prone target finished the job. The two halflings were hardly any bother at all after that.
  • 129 XP
  • 83-96 gold
NAME burst out of the room, knocking a halfling to the floor with the door. Then he/she missed the berserker so widely that he burst out laughing. The other halfling was not so amused and let NAME have it with his short sword. Outnumbered and at a clear disadvantage, NAME fled, grabbing the halfling's coinpurse on the way out.
  • 10-17 damage
  • 42 XP
  • 22-24 gold

It sounded like the hobgoblin commander was ordering the three bugbear warriors to search the room in which NAME was hiding behind an aging bookcase. Knowing he/she would be discovered any moment, he/she took the initiative in order to gain the advantage of surprise.

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #5)

He/She waited for the sound of a bugbear pausing on the other side of the bookcase and pushed it over on him. Leaping off of the back of the fallen shelves, NAME caught the commander offguard with the business end of his/her WEAPON TYPE. The remaining bugbears barely had time to draw their swords before NAME slew them.
  • 132 XP
  • 106 gold
NAME pushed the bookcase over into the middle of the room, ran across its back, and attempted to strike the commander with his/her WEAPON TYPE. He/She missed completely, sailed right out the door, and landed in a heap in the hallway. The bugbears stood, their mouths agape, long enough for NAME to get back on his/her feet and flee down the hallway. At least he/she had already found the bag of gold hidden inside volume seventeen of the autobiography of the late wizard Otsatontis, famous more for the tendency of his books to be hollowed out and used as secret storage than for the quality of his writing.
  • 44 XP
  • ? gold

Charisma (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME thought that a quick little talk would work best in this situation.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7,8)

As NAME lost his/her last rook, he/she decided to play on the vampire's vanity. A few minutes of overstating Claboria's chess prowess seemed to do the trick, and soon NAME was leaving the room -- with a solid gold knight as a souvenir.
  • 106 XP
  • 47-52 gold
As NAME dominated Claboria's pitiful chess playing, she/he decided that some insults might demoralize her enough her/him to make a break for it. Claboria looked at NAME with daggers in her eyes, and NAME made a break for the door -- scooping up a few silver chess pieces Claboria had tossed at her/him as she/he fled.
  • 35 XP
  • 23-26 gold

Finding a well hidden secret door, NAME entered a passageway that he/she thought would cut nearly a day off of his/her travels. Feeling smug, NAME pressed through a heavy hanging tapestry -- and entered a beholder's den. As the monster turned to focus its eyes, it was clear that NAME needed some fast talk to get out of this one.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #5x3,6,8)

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #6)

"Hello, sir, I'm here on behalf of the Nightsurge Society. We're here to ensure a being as magnificent as you is free of troubles and heard your orb was in need of repair" NAME said as he/she deftly lifted a nearby orb off the floor. "I'll have it back to you by the end of the week, sir!" NAME called behind him/her as he/she quickly made for the exit, leaving the stunned beholder behind. "I'm . . . here to . . . um . . . repair your orb?" NAME mumbled as he/she clumsily picked a glass orb off the floor near the beholder, and nervously examined it. Not fooled by NAME's ruse, the beholder angrily blasted him/her out of its den.

Constitution (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME spent hours straight navigating a spider nest that must have housed thousands of the eight-legged monsters. From what he/she could tell by the thickness and pattern of the webbing, a way out of this mess must be hours ahead, but he/she was nearing exhaustion . . .

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7)

NAME pressed on and made to a safe area just as the skittering of spiders became evident behind him/her. After walling in the beasts with some stones, NAME finally felt safe enough to rest.

  • 95 XP

NAME found an amulet tangled in the webs. The process of trying to free it moved the strands of webbing and alerted the spiders to his location. NAME managed to free the gold chain but not the amulet itself before attempting to flee. It was too late he soon found himself surrounded. He/she was alarmed by the number of variously sized spiders coming at him/her, but mainly the 513 tiny ones heading for his/her mouth.

  • 11 damage
  • -5 Dexterity for 3 encounters
  • 33 XP
  • Amulet of Health +1

The statue room seemed a bit out of place here in the dungeon. NAME took a short rest in the gallery filled with statues of brave adventurers. NAME noticed that some of the equipment at the statues' feet was a little too real -- this was no art display! As NAME franticly gathered his/her things, the medusa was already sneaking up on him/her, looking to add NAME to its collection.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,8)

NAME was able to avoid the creature's petrifying gaze and made a hasty retreat. In all of the confusion, NAME had also grabbed some of the statues' belongings. NAME felt his/her body stiffen under the medusa's gaze. The medusa drew back her bow and fired an arrow into NAME's chest. As the medusa closed in to finish NAME, he/she shook off his/her affliction and ran from the room.

Dexterity (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

'*click* *fwip* "Uh-oh," thought NAME.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7,8)

NAME ducked under the poison needle. He/she proceeded with extreme caution, missing the other trapped flagstones. NAME even found a pile of coins on the body of a less-dexterous adventurer.
  • 95 XP
  • 54-67 gold
NAME was hit in the neck by a poison needle. As he/she staggered forward, several more clicks suggested that NAME had taken the wrong path. At least the needles appear to be diamond-tipped.
  • 7-15 damage
  • -3 Constitution for 4 encounters
  • 33 XP
  • 16-23 gold

NAME was wondering about the seemingly impossible variety of the creatures and environments he/she had encountered in dungeons during his/her life when he/her came upon a circular room with four doors.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #5)

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #7)

NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. He/she slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward him/her. Again, he/she quickly shut the door. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME peeked in. He/She had no intentions of going in there. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME led the dwarf safely back to the dungeon entrance and the dwarf rewarded him/her for his/her help. NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. He/She slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward him/her. He/She had no intentions of going in there. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME looked in. The heat of the magma burned him/her from head to toe before he/she quickly shut the door. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME instructed the dwarf in a safe path out of the dungeon and the dwarf rewarded him/her for his/her help.

Intelligence (5 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

An ogre warhulk charged out of nowhere toward NAME.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #5,7,8)

(found in Scourge of the Seas, encounter #8)

NAME would have been bashed to smithereens, but he/she instead stepped slightly to the side, stretched one foot out into the ogre's path, tightly closed his/her eyes, and waited for the ogre to trip headfirst onto a large stalagmite. The stupidity of ogres is legendary.

The ogre was too strong for NAME to go toe-to-toe with it. Luckily for NAME, it must have had some other important business to attend to. It smashed NAME aside with its spiky club without a backward glance and ran by.
  • 8-16 damage
  • 32 XP

When you fight a gelatinous cube, there are some very important things you need to know.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7,8)

Armed with that knowledge, NAME was able to defeat the strange creature and reap the rewards. NAME didn't know them, and decided to run away instead. At least he/she found some coins along the way.
  • 33 XP
  • 22 gold

NAME entered [a] cylindrical room and the door slammed shut behind him/her. NAME then noticed numbered dials next to the door. Above the dials were the words "What is the value of this room?" As he/she pondered this existential question, a copper piece hit him/her on the head. Then another. Then twenty, then fifty. The room quickly began to fill with copper pieces, and he/she decided he/she had better do some math, and fast.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6)

While being pelted with coins, he/she approximated the dimensions of the room, picked up a handful of coins, and crunched some numbers. While he/she turned the dials to the answer, the coins reached his/her mouth and began to seriously weigh down on him/her. The door popped open and NAME rode a wave of coins into the next room. In the better light, NAME noticed that some of them were gold!
  • 4 damage
  • 95 XP
  • 54 gold
NAME really wished he/she had paid more attention in hoarding class. As he/she began to suffocate under a king's ransom, the force of the money popped the door open. Coughing, NAME counted his/her blessings -- whoever had set that trap was as bad at math as he/she was.
  • 9-12 damage
  • 33 XP
  • 20-25 gold

"Welcome!" said the vampire as NAME entered an immaculate parlor that was totally out of place in the dank dungeon. "My name is Claboria," said the vampire. "Please stay and play a game with me . . . . I insist," she said as she motioned toward a gold-and-silver chess set in front of her. NAME silently hoped he/she remembered the classic undead chess openings.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7,8)

Halfway through the game, NAME noticed that Claboria got fairly angry when losing. NAME decided to try a new strategy -- let the vampire win. As Claboria put NAME in checkmate, they had a good laugh, some good wine, and NAME went on his/her way with a solid-gold bishop as a souvenir.
  • 87 XP
  • 45-60 gold
NAME quickly realize [sic] that Claboria wasn't the sharpest undead chess player in the shed, and easily beat her. Enraged, Claboria hurled a solid-gold pawn at NAME. She lodged it deeply into NAME's leg with her astounding vampiric strength.
  • 11-13 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 19-24 gold

NAME found a room with moss-covered brick walls and a treasure chest locked behind an iron grate.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7,8)

Carefully searching the room, he/she noticed that the moss on one of the bricks on the wall behind the chest was scraped off. He/She took out his 10-foot pole and threaded it through the bars to tap the mossless brick. The brick moved, and by leaning on the stick, NAME was able to unlock the gate! The treasure chest itself wasn't even locked.

Try as he/she might, he/she could not budge the gate nor bend the bars. He/she set off to search nearby rooms for a key or some other way to reach the chest.

  • 37 XP

NAME crawled through a hole in the wall to enter a massive cavern. Gloom shrouded the chamber, and suddenly a glowing figure appeared floating above him. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Seven identical balls appeared, slowly spinning around Plurbius. "All of these balls are the same, except for one that has spent time in jail." The balls slowly came to rest at NAME's feet. "Describe how you would tell which one of these was different using an astrolabe." NAME was in a deadly game -- for his life!

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #5,6)

". . . that's actually very clever," said Plurbius, obviously disappointed. The light slowly returned to the room. "Go on ahead, but I'm going to have a really tough one for you later. Seriously." ". . . but if the first warden had never heard of him, you'd be out your astrolabe!" Laughing at your foolishness, Plurbius shouted, "Release the scythes!" A lone scythe dropped flatly on NAME's head, which hurt but wasn't that dangerous. Disappointed, Plurbius faded from view, mumbling "'Oh, don't worry Plurbius, we'll have thirty scythes . . . and they'll spin and shred . . . .' Last time I use gnome contractors."

Strength (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered a dead-end marble room. There, under a devious trap, laid a recently killed adventurer. From what NAME could tell, the giant emerald used as bait would be his/hers if he/she could lift the device.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7,8)

NAME hefted the trap out of the way, claimed the flawless emerald, and gave his/her fallen comrade in dungeoneering a proper burial.
  • 100 XP
  • 48-66 gold
NAME had almost lifted the main arm of the device out of the way when her/his arms gave out. The device impaled its victim again, and rather inelegantly. NAME decided to salvage as much of the trap as possible and leave before desecrating the dead any more.

NAME had come upon a treasure trove of some sort. Whoever owned this was going to be back soon, so NAME quickly pocketed anything he/she could.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #7)

NAME ran for his/her life with a hefty bag of treasure in tow. He/She was long gone by time the lich had returned to its lair. It never even knew he/she was there. FAIL TEXT

Wisdom (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME had been crawling through a tight passageway for nearly a mile. Upon exiting and stretching out his/her legs, NAME was beset by an angry storm giant. NAME wondered how he/she was going to get out of this one.

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #8)

Thinking quickly, NAME dived back into the tight passageway. The giant, unable to reach NAME, raged at him/her for a few minutes before giving up and wandering away. NAME held still a bit to make sure the coast was clear, then hopped back out.
  • 95 XP

NAME comes face to "face" with a magic mouth. It said in a booming voice, "A rolling stone gathers no moss. What wisdom do you offer me?"

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 16

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6)

NAME replied, "Don't waste time reinventing the wheel. Tie wheels together and reinvent a wagon." Smiling, the magic mouth sent him on his way with a nice item. NAME said, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." The magic mouth frowned and made NAME stick around until he could come up with something better.
  • 32 XP

NAME was alone in a wide hallway in the bowels of a dungeon. He/she wondered how many warforged marked with the crest of the dark lord Vaosdin were too many to charge at . . .

(found in Dragonjaw Dungeon, encounter #6,7)

Three! Since there were four soldiers and a captain, NAME thought it wiser to hide until they passed. His/her hiding was fortuitous indeed -- he/she was hiding right next to an unlocked, untrapped treasure chest.

NAME didn't know, and didn't care. He/she charged the four warforged soldiers and their captain anyway. Just as he/she realized this was a very bad idea, a full party of adventurers burst in from a hallway on the right. NAME crashed into one of them and hit his/her head as he/she clattered to the stone floor. When he/she awoke, there was nothing left but the evidence of a pitched battle and the fractured bodies of the warforged.

  • 13-17 damage
  • 43 XP
  • 21-25 gold

Level 7[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(5) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Everyone knows that the evil reputation of tieflings is just a stereotype and they aren't all sneaky evil backstabbers. But the tiefling darkblade that stepped out of the shadows to stab NAME in the back was not helping their image.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #10,11,12,13)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7,8,9,10,11)

(found in Storm City, encounter #4)

NAME's armor was just enough to protect him/her from the tiefling's poisoned blade. The tiefling's armor was not nearly enough to protect her from NAME's fearsome counterattack. The poisoned blade bit into NAME's flank, and he/she had to fight the effects long enough to fend off his/her assailant. When the darkblade realized the fight would not go her way, she vanished into the shadows. She had no idea NAME had cut her purse loose during the fight.
  • 9-17 damage
  • -5 Constitution for 2 encounters
  • 41 XP
  • 19-30 gold

Attack Bonus (5)[]

Encounter Text Dungeon
Success Results Failure Results

The torch NAME held somehow couldn't penetrate the darkness in the corner of the room. Clearly, something unnatural was going on. NAME feared the worst. Tightening his/her grip on his/her WEAPON, NAME attacked the darkness.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #11,12)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7,8)

A deafening echo filled the small room as NAME's WEAPON TYPE found its mark. A wounded shadow hound slinked out of the darkness, growling and baring its teeth. The evil beast had no place in this world, and NAME destroyed it without mercy. NAME hit nothing but the stones of the floor. He/She relaxed too soon, as a deafening echo filled the small room. A shadow hound leaped at NAME from the unnatural darkness it had created. It bowled him/her over, but NAME soon gained the upper hand and put the the evil dog down for good.
  • 8-15 damage
  • 40 XP
  • 19-28 gold

It sounded like the hobgoblin commander was ordering the three bugbear warriors to search the room in which NAME was hiding behind an aging bookcase. Knowing he/she would be discovered any moment, he/she took the initiative in order to gain the advantage of surprise.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #10,11,12,13)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6-11)

(found in Storm City, encounter #1)

He/She waited for the sound of a bugbear pausing on the other side of the bookcase and pushed it over on him. Leaping off of the back of the fallen shelves, NAME caught the commander offguard with the business end of his/her WEAPON TYPE. The remaining bugbears barely had time to draw their swords before NAME slew them.
  • 132 XP
  • 71-112 gold
NAME pushed the bookcase over into the middle of the room, ran across its back, and attempted to strike the commander with his/her WEAPON TYPE. He/She missed completely, sailed right out the door, and landed in a heap in the hallway. The bugbears stood, their mouths agape, long enough for NAME to get back on his/her feet and flee down the hallway. At least he/she had already found the bag of gold hidden inside volume seventeen of the autobiography of the late wizard Otsatontis, famous more for the tendency of his books to be hollowed out and used as secret storage than for the quality of his writing.
  • 44 XP
  • 19-32 gold

How the halfling prowlers thought they could keep their presence hidden while their human berserker companion kept asking them questions was not the issue, so much as it was what should be done about the lot of them as they passed by the room in which NAME had recently discovered some valuable items.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #10,11,12)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7,8,9,10,11)

"Life is short, kill berserkers first," NAME's mother had always told him/her. So he/she flung the door open with the precise timing required to knock the berserker off his feet. A quick bit of WEAPON TYPE action against her/his prone target finished the job. The two halflings were hardly any bother at all after that.
  • 129 XP
  • 66-110 gold
NAME burst out of the room, knocking a halfling to the floor with the door. Then she/he missed the berserker so widely that he burst out laughing. The other halfling was not so amused and let NAME have it with his short sword. Outnumbered and at a clear disadvantage, NAME fled, grabbing the halfling's coinpurse on the way out.
  • 9-16 damage
  • 42 XP
  • 20-29 gold

NAME entered an area holding many jail cells, a corpse in each one. As NAME quickened his pace, the "corpses" slowly began to rise. Soon, NAME was accosted by three wights. NAME prepared for a hard battle.

(found in Storm City, encounter #2,3)

Careful not to let them touch him/her, NAME smote the nearest one with his WEAPON TYPE. It fell back into rest, knocking all three over. While one got in a shot with its sword, NAME was able to finish off the other, and the final one-on-one fight was over quickly. NAME decided to search the cells now that the coast was clear. While NAME was able to eventually defeat them, more than once their dread touch made contact with him/her. As the last one fell, NAME convulsed a bit and was forced to take it easy while searching the bodies for anything worthwhile.

As NAME awakened, she found some greedy orcs going through his/her bag. Looked like it was orcing time!

(found in Storm City, encounter #1,3)

Careful not to let them touch him, NAME smote the nearest one with his holy sword. It fell back into rest, knocking all three over. While one got in a shot with its sword, NAME was able to finish off the other, and the final one-on-one fight was over quickly. NAME decided to search the cells now that the coast was clear.

While each individual orc was no match for NAME, their sheer numbers overwhelmed him/her. Bruised, he/she was forced to retreat to a safer location. Later he/she returned to loot the bodies.
  • 10-18 damage
  • 49 XP
  • 24-30 gold

Charisma (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Finding a well hidden secret door, NAME entered a passageway that he/she thought would cut nearly a day off of his/her travels. Feeling smug, NAME pressed through a heavy hanging tapestry -- and entered a beholder's den. As the monster turned to focus its eyes, it was clear that NAME needed some fast talk to get out of this one.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #11)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,8)

"Hello, sir, I'm here on behalf of the Nightsurge Society. We're here to ensure a being as magnificent as you is free of troubles and heard your orb was in need of repair" NAME said as he/she deftly lifted a nearby orb off the floor. "I'll have it back to you by the end of the week, sir!" NAME called behind her/him as he/she quickly made for the exit, leaving the stunned beholder behind. "I'm . . . here to . . . um . . . repair your orb?" NAME mumbled as he/she clumsily picked a glass orb off the floor near the beholder, and nervously examined it. Not fooled by NAME's ruse, the beholder angrily blasted him/her out of its den.
NAME noticed an odd spot on the floor that looked like a hidden trapdoor. Unfortunately, there was no way around it. NAME backed up for some running room and then leaped with all his/her might. It wasn't enough. NAME plunged through the trapdoor, barely managing to grip the wall during the fall. Dangling over a deadly drop, NAME couldn't do anything but call for help.

(found in Storm City, encounter #1,2)

Pleading with whoever might be there, NAME was relieved to hear a dwarven voice shout a reply. Soon a scruffy-looking dwarven miner poked his head over the edge. "Whatcha doing down there?" he asked. "Here, grab my rope and I'll haul you up." The dwarf pulled NAME up. He/She offered to pay the miner, but the miner declined, "Nah, you look like you need it more than me. In fact, take some of this ore."
  • 155 XP
  • 84 gold
NAME called out, but at first no one answered. Then a dwarven voice yelled at him/her to shut up. Eventually, NAME couldn't hold on any longer and fell screaming to the bottom of the pit. It was painful, but at least he/she found some loot at the bottom from other dead adventurers. Then NAME noticed a trail of footholds leading upwards. Feeling silly, he/she made the tiring and arduous climb out of the pit.

Constitution (0)[]

Dexterity (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
click* *fwip* "Uh-oh," thought NAME.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

NAME ducked under the poison needle. He/She proceeded with extreme caution, missing the other trapped flagstones. NAME even found a pile of coins on the body of a less-dexterous adventurer. FAIL TEXT

NAME was wondering about the seemingly impossible variety of the creatures and environments he/she had encountered in dungeons during her/his life when he/she came upon a circular room with four doors.

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #12)

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7,8)

NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. She/he slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward him/her. Again, he/she quickly shut the door. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME peeked in. He/She had no intentions of going in there. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME led the dwarf safely back to the dungeon entrance and the dwarf rewarded him/her for his/her help. NAME opened the first door to find a band of skeletons clattering to life. He/She slammed that door shut. Behind the second door, NAME found a green ooze creeping toward him/her. He/She had no intentions of going in there. The third room was already filling with liquid magma when NAME looked in. The heat of the magma burned him/her from head to toe before he/she quickly shut the door. A dwarven merchant had barricaded himself in the last room. NAME instructed the dwarf in a safe path out of the dungeon and the dwarf rewarded her/him for his help.

Intelligence (3 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

An ogre warhulk charged out of nowhere toward NAME.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #10,12)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7)

NAME would have been bashed to smithereens, but he/she instead stepped slightly to the side, stretched one foot out into the ogre's path, tightly closed his/her eyes, and waited for the ogre to trip headfirst onto a large stalagmite. The stupidity of ogres is legendary.

The ogre was too strong for NAME to go toe-to-toe with it. Luckily for NAME, it must have had some other important business to attend to. It smashed NAME aside with its spiky club without a backward glance and ran by.

  • 11-12 damage
  • 32 XP

NAME found a room with moss-covered brick walls and a treasure chest locked behind an iron grate.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #7,8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #10,11,12,13)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #6,7,8,9,10)

(found in Storm City, encounter #1,3)

Carefully searching the room, he/she noticed that the moss on one of the bricks on the wall behind the chest was scraped off. He/She took out his 10-foot pole and threaded it through the bars to tap the mossless brick. The brick moved, and by leaning on the stick, NAME was able to unlock the gate! The treasure chest itself wasn't even locked. Try as he/she might, he/she could not budge the gate nor bend the bars. He/She set off to search nearby rooms for a key or some other way to reach the chest.

  • 37 XP

NAME found a room with moss-covered brick walls and a treasure chest locked behind an iron grate.

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #12,13)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #7,10,11)

Carefully searching the room, he/she noticed that the moss on one of the bricks on the wall behind the chest was scraped off. He/She took out his/her 10-foot pole and threaded it through the bars to tap the mossless brick. The brick moved, and by leaning on the stick, NAME was able to unlock the gate! The treasure chest itself wasn't even locked. Try as he/she might, she/he could not budge the gate nor bend the bars. He/She set off to search nearby rooms for a key or some other way to reach the chest.

  • 37 XP

NAME crawled through a hole in the wall to enter a massive cavern. Gloom shrouded the chamber, and suddenly a glowing figure appeared floating above him. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Seven identical balls appeared, slowly spinning around Plurbius. "All of these balls are the same, except for one that has spent time in jail." The balls slowly came to rest at NAME's feet. "Describe how you would tell which one of these was different using an astrolabe." NAME was in a deadly game -- for his life!

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #8)

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #11)

". . . that's actually very clever," said Plurbius, obviously disappointed. The light slowly returned to the room. "Go on ahead, but I'm going to have a really tough one for you later. Seriously."

". . . but if the first warden had never heard of him, you'd be out your astrolabe!" Laughing at your foolishness, Plurbius shouted, "Release the scythes!" A lone scythe dropped flatly on NAME's head, which hurt but wasn't that dangerous. Disappointed, Plurbius faded from view, mumbling "'Oh, don't worry Plurbius, we'll have thirty scythes . . . and they'll spin and shred . . . .' Last time I use gnome contractors."

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME had finally found a clear area of the dungeon when the doors began to seal shut with huge stone slabs. He/She quickly grabbed the bottom of the slabs in an attempt to keep from being sealed in.

(found in Storm City, encounter #2)

NAME heaved the slab back up into its recess and was able to run out of the room. On the other side of the wall, he/she was able to salvage some machinery from the trap to sell for gold.
  • 155 XP
  • 87 gold
NAME heaved, but the slab didn't budge. He/She propped it open with a rock and slid under. As NAME was most of the way through, it gave way and crushed his/her foot. At least he/she found some gold hidden in the opening.
  • ? damage
  • -3 Dexterity for 5 encounters
  • 49 XP
  • ? gold

Wisdom (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME was alone in a wide hallway in the bowels of a dungeon. He/She wondered how many warforged marked with the crest of the dark lord Vaosdin were too many to charge at . . .

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 17

(found in Hidden Shrine of Nahautl, encounter #12)

Three! Since there were four soldiers and a captain, NAME thought it wiser to hide until they passed. His/Her hiding was fortuitous indeed -- he/she was hiding right next to an unlocked, untrapped treasure chest. NAME didn't know, and didn't care. He/She charged the four warforged soldiers and their captain anyway. Just as he/she realized this was a very bad idea, a full party of adventurers burst in from a hallway on the right. NAME crashed into one of them and hit his/her head as he/she clattered to the stone floor. When he/she awoke, there was nothing left but the evidence of a pitched battle and the fractured bodies of the warforged.
  • 10-17 damage
  • 43 XP
  • 15-24 gold

NAME came upon a group of gricks. Not seeing any way around them, he/she tried to remember what gricks hated to make this fight easier.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in Storm City, encounter #3)

Gricks hate light! NAME lit up several torches before he/she ran into the fray, and finishing the gricks was easy work. Thinking back to a story a friend had told him/her, he/she cut them open and found a valuable gem in one of the stomachs.
  • 6 damage
  • 155 XP
  • 105 gold
Gricks hate noise, right? NAME shouted as he/she ran into the fray, drawing the gricks' attention before they fell upon him/her. No, it definitely wasn't noise . . .
  • 14 damage
  • 57 XP
  • 28 gold

Level 8[]

Level 9[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(4 + 1 rare) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (0)[]

Attack Bonus (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered an area holding many jail cells, a corpse in each one. As NAME quickened his/her pace, the "corpses" slowly began to rise. Soon, NAME was accosted by three wights. NAME prepared for a hard battle.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #10,11,12,13,14)

Careful not to let them touch him/her, NAME'ATTACKED' the nearest one with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It fell back into rest, knocking all three over. While one got in a shot with its sword, NAME was able to finish off the other, and the final one-on-one fight was over quickly. NAME decided to search the cells now that the coast was clear. While NAME was able to eventually defeat them, more than once their dread touch made contact with him/her. As the last one fell, NAME convulsed a bit and was forced to take it easy while searching the bodies for anything worthwhile.
  • 13-17 damage
  • -5 Constitution for 4 encounters
  • 47 XP
  • 25-32 gold

There was a smashed contraption on the ground, and a dead human merchant lying next to it. Leading away from the inexplicable mess was a trail of small gemstones, which NAME naturally followed, collecting them as he/she went. When he/she turned the next corner, he/she was suddenly confronted with a slavering Xorn!

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #15)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #15,16)

With the quick reactions of a seasoned adventurer, NAME whipped out his/her WEAPON TYPE and bludgeoned the Xorn right in its solitary eye. While its three arms and three legs thrashed about, NAME dealt it one savage blow after another, soon defeating it completely. There were plenty more not-quite-yet digested gemstones in its stomach.
  • 145 XP
  • 85-106 gold
NAME imagined himself/herself whipping out his/her WEAPON TYPE and defeating the Xorn with ease. He/She had plenty of time to imagine this while the Xorn pummeled him/her half to death. Fortunately, there was an opening to escape? [sic] eventually.
  • 20-22 damage
  • 46 XP
  • 16-22 gold

As NAME awakened, he/she found some greedy orcs going through his/her bag. Looked like it was orcing time!

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,15)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,11,14)

NAME's WEAPON skill was far too much for a few orcs, and the looters became the (dead) lootees.
  • 4-9 damage
  • 152 XP
  • 79-126 gold
While each individual orc was no match for NAME, their sheer numbers overwhelmed him/her. Bruised, he/she was forced to retreat to a safer location. Later he/she returned to loot the bodies.
  • 16-19 damage
  • 49 XP
  • 24-31 gold

Up ahead, NAME heard some strange chanting. As he/she turned the corner, he/she saw a horrible twisted mass of ooze, eyes, and teeth gibbering at him/her. The strange chanting dazed NAME as the gibbering beast spawned a hundred unnatural mouths and leaped at her/him.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #14,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #11,12,13,14,16)

Finding what must have been a vital bit of this ooze, NAME's WEAPON served her/him well. As the horrid gibbering thing finally died, NAME was able to recover his/her senses.
  • 4-10(max) damage
  • 169 XP
  • 90-150(max) gold
NAME had trouble finding out what could actually hurt the snapping ooze. An uncountable number of tiny bites covered his/her body. Finally, NAME struck true with his/her WEAPON TYPE, and the horrid gibbering died down. NAME slowly recovered and limped off.
  • 14-21 damage
  • 53 XP
  • 21-33 gold

Stepping on a loose block, the floor gave way under NAME. He/She landed with a splash in a room filled with enough water for a dire shark to swim in and ice floes large enough for a dire bear to stand on. When NAME landed, two such beasts were fighting. Whichever won, it seemed like NAME would lose, just like the other adventurers whose skeletons littered the room.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #14,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,11,12,13,14,15)

The dire shark ripped the dire bear to pieces. NAME wisely waited on an ice floe until the dire shark swam by, and then ruthlessly slew it. As the dire bear clawed the dire shark to death, NAME wished the shark had been a little smarter. While he/she survived the fight with the dire bear, he/she had been pretty roughly handled.
  • 11-21(max) damage
  • 55 XP
  • 21-35(max) gold

Charisma (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME noticed an odd spot on the floor that looked like a hidden trapdoor. Unfortunately, there was no way around it. NAME backed up for some running room and then leaped with all her/his might. It wasn't enough. NAME plunged through the trapdoor, barely managing to grip the wall during the fall. Dangling over a deadly drop, NAME couldn't do anything but call for help.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,14,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,12,15,16)

Pleading with whoever might be there, NAME was relieved to hear a dwarven voice shout a reply. Soon a scruffy-looking dwarven miner poked his head over the edge. "Whatcha doing down there?" he asked. "Here, grab my rope and I'll haul you up." The dwarf pulled NAME up. She/he offered to pay the miner, but the miner declined, "Nah, you look like you need it more than me. In fact, take some of this ore."
  • 155 XP
  • 86-123 gold
NAME called out, but at first no one answered. Then a dwarven voice yelled at him/her to shut up. Eventually, NAME couldn't hold on any longer and fell screaming to the bottom of the pit. It was painful, but at least he/she found some loot at the bottom from other dead adventurers. Then NAME noticed a trail of footholds leading upwards. Feeling silly, he/she made the tiring and arduous climb out of the pit.

NAME fell prey to a clever trap and was imprisoned with five other adventurers. As they explained they had been stuck there for a day or so, a horrid illithid entered the room. "One of you will live and serve me eternally, while the others . . . well . . ." While it was a terrible situation, NAME had to think of him/herself at that point.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #11,12,14,16)

NAME was able to convince the illithid that all of them would be excellent helpers if only it could see them in action. The illithid opened the cage and, as it talked to NAME, the others struck. After a quick but brutal battle, the illithid and one of the adventurers laid dead. NAME's cunning plan worked and she/he was rewarded for her/his efforts. As they buried their fallen comrade, they each swore a promise to meet on this date every year and commiserate. NAME convinced the illithid that of course, he/she would be the best servant out of the bunch. As the illithid opened the gate, he/she played on the illithid's hunger, and made a break for the door. As he/she escaped, he/she heard the horrible screams of the others as they met a terrible fate. He/she was also able to sneak back later and recover some loot.
  • 13-20 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 22-31 gold

Constitution (0)[]

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered a room that held astoundingly clean and clear diamonds inset in the walls. Carefully, he/she neared one of them, taking care not to touch it. However the click he/she heard below him/her indicated he/she should've looked more closely at the floor. A stream of deadly acid shot from the opposite wall directly at him/her

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #14,15,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #12,13,15,16)

NAME managed to dodge most of the acid. Now NAME knows how those diamonds got so clean . . . all the better for selling.
  • 4-10 damage
  • 158 XP
  • 96-137 gold
The brunt of the acid blast missed NAME, but he/she was still struck. As NAME tended to his/her wounds, he/she realized the acid baths would keep those diamonds in wonderful shape, and pocketed the few that were within safe reach.
  • 13-20 damage
  • 50 XP
  • 24-33 gold

Intelligence (2 + 2 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME found a nearly empty room with three large circular depressions in the floor and three large spheres in the center of the room. Studying them, NAME began to work out the pattern to solve this odd puzzle.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,14)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,11,13,15)

NAME decoded the ancient script inside each depression enough to determine the order, although she/he had to make an educated guess on which sphere went where. Her/his ingenuity was rewarded as a large ruby shot from the floor between the depressions, revealing a handle to a hidden door to other parts of the dungeon.
  • 159 XP
  • 91-127 gold
NAME was able to figure out the numbers in the ancient script written on the spheres, but that's as far as he/she got with it. Taking a guess, he/she placed the heavy spheres in the depressions at random, and was rewarded with a billowing poisonous cloud. Once he/she recovered somewhat, he/she tried again, and a large ruby shot from the floor between the depressions, revealing a handle to a hidden door to other parts of the dungeon.
  • 12-21 damage
  • -7 Dexterity for 3 encounters
  • 51 XP
  • 23-33 gold

Not every swamp has pod demons in it, but this one sure did. Everyone knows that Pod Demons spawn little copies of themselves to outflank their opponents. Everyone also knows that the little ones can explode to injure those around them and that the big one can transfer itself to a little one whenever it wants. The question for NAME was how could he/she use this knowledge to his/her advantage in the fight.

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,11,14,15)

By throwing very small rocks into a patch of reeds surrounded on three sides by overgrown cypress trees, NAME tricked the Pod Demon and all four of its little clones into crowding into the small space looking for what prey might be making the splashing sounds. Then, with expert timing, he/she all of them at once with his/her WEAPON. The Pod Demonhad [sic] been carrying chains in homage to the Chained God, and several miniature treasure chests were attached to those chains.
  • 150 XP
  • ? gold
Thinking to catch all four clones and the main demon with one attack, NAME boldly charged them through the reeds. The clones had ample space to spread out and surround NAME thus gaining a big advantage over HIM/HER in combat. One of the clones exploded right in HIS/HER face. Ouch! Realizing HE/SHE had made a big mistake, NAME charged right back out of there and had to run for 15 minutes before HE/SHE felt safe enough to rest.
  • 7-11 damage
  • 40 XP

NAME entered a small torch-lit room with a small pool of silvery liquid. Suddenly, the torches blew out and a glowing figure appeared floating above him. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" He waved an arm toward a glowing pool and said, "If you'll look into the scrying pool please." Slowly an image formed in the pool of a young elven woman in front of an eerie tower. She looked right at NAME and said, "This famous owner's magnificent mansion has housed more than one weary adventurer. Ask who was he." Stunned, Plurbius looked at the pool, then at you. "Huh? I'm supposed to ask the riddles."

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #15,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #13,15,16)

"Who is . . . uh . . . he?" NAME said. "Thank you," the elven woman said and then vanished. "What? That's it? That's the answer? This is ludicrous!" Pluribus fumed. "Fine then. Move along! And take that crap with you." "Who is . . . uh . . . Mordenkainen's?" NAME stammered. The elven woman frowned and shook her head before vanishing. "Huh? That's what I would have guessed. Better luck next time. See you 'round kid." said Pluribus before vanishing too.
  • 85 XP
  • 58-71 gold

Turning a corner in the hall to find a dead end, NAME saw a glowing figure. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Looking at NAME intensely, he said "You look really familiar . . . . Regardless, you now face the challenge of Plurbius!" Behind Plurbius appeared a gnome, a glowing intricate amulet, a sack of corn, and a small rowboat, as well as a raging river. Plurbius continued, "You must use the rowboat to get all the . . . hey!" Plurbius shouted as he watched the gnome rowing downriver, eating the corn from the sack. Dejectedly Plurbius watched his puzzle float downstream. "Well forget it, no challenge of Plurbius . . . here, take the amulet, you might as well." Plurbius dismissively tossed the amulet to NAME.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #13,15)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,15)

NAME realized there was no way something as dangerous as a gnome would have left the two of them alive and drew her/his WEAPONTYPE. Plurbius, alarmed by NAME's actions, stepped back quickly and fell into the river. As Plurbius hit the water, the deadly gnome rose up from the froth and dragged Plurbius down screaming. NAME then took the boat and headed downstream. The corn wasn't half bad either. NAME looked over the amulet suspiciously as he/she tried to find the exit. NAME found a secret door, but as he/she opened it, the tricky gnome exploded from beneath the waters of the river and attacked. Plurbius and NAME fought furiously against the gnome, but it succeeded in wounding them both before Pluribus smothered it with the bag of corn. With his head in his hands, Plurbius waved NAME off.
  • 9-12 damage
  • 100 XP
  • 60-84 gold

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME had finally found a clear area of the dungeon when the doors began to seal shut with huge stone slabs. He/She quickly grabbed the bottom of the slabs in an attempt to keep from being sealed in.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #14,15,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,13,14,15)

NAME heaved the slab back up into its recess and was able to run out of the room. On the other side of the wall, he/she was able to salvage some machinery from the trap to sell for gold.
  • 155 XP
  • 78-124 gold
NAME heaved, but the slab didn't budge. He/She propped it open with a rock and slid under. As NAME was most of the way through, it gave way and crushed his/her foot. At least he/she found some gold hidden in the opening.
  • 11-16 damage
  • -3 Dexterity for 5 encounters
  • 49 XP
  • 20-32 gold

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME came upon a group of gricks. Not seeing any way around them, he/she tried to remember what gricks hated to make this fight easier.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #14,15,16)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9,10,11,15,16)

Gricks hate light! NAME lit up several torches before he/she ran into the fray, and finishing the gricks was easy work. Thinking back to a story a friend had told him/her, he/she cut them open and found a valuable gem in one of the stomachs.
  • 5-9 damage
  • 155 XP
  • 81-123 gold
Gricks hate noise, right? NAME shouted as he/she ran into the fray, drawing the gricks' attention before they fell upon him/her. No, it definitely wasn't noise . . .
  • 10-19 damage
  • 57 XP
  • 20-31 gold

Level 10[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(4 + 1 rare) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (0)[]

Attack Bonus (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered an area holding many jail cells, a corpse in each one. As NAME quickened his pace, the "corpses" slowly began to rise. Soon, NAME was accosted by three wights. NAME prepared for a hard battle.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

Careful not to let them touch him/her, NAME slashed the nearest one with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It fell back into [the] rest, knocking all three over. While one got in a shot with its sword, NAME was able to finish off the other, and the final one-on-one fight was over quickly. NAME decided to search the cells now that the coast was clear.

While NAME was able to eventually defeat them, more than once their dread touch made contact with him/her. As the last one fell, NAME convulsed a bit and was forced to take it easy while searching the bodies for anything worthwhile.

  • 13-19 Damage
  • -5 Constitution for 4 encounters
  • 47 XP
  • 26-30 gold

As NAME awakened, he/she found some greedy orcs going through her/his bag. Looked like it was orcing time!

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #10)

NAME's WEAPON skill was far too much for a few orcs, and the looters became the (dead) lootees.
  • 4-9 damage
  • 152 XP
  • 77-117 gold
While each individual orc was no match for NAME, their sheer numbers overwhelmed him/her. Bruised, he/she was forced to retreat to a safer location. Later he/she returned to loot the bodies.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 49 XP
  • 20-30 gold

Up ahead, NAME heard some strange chanting. As he/she turned the corner, he/she saw a horrible twisted mass of ooze, eyes, and teeth gibbering at him/her. The strange chanting dazed NAME as the gibbering beast spawned a hundred unnatural mouths and leaped at him/her.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,11,12,13,14)

Finding what must have been a vital bit of this ooze, NAME's WEAPON served him/her well. As the horrid gibbering thing finally died, NAME was able to recover his/her senses.
  • 4-10 damage
  • 169 XP
  • 90-150 gold
NAME had trouble finding out what could actually hurt the snapping ooze. An uncountable number of tiny bites covered his/her body. Finally, NAME struck true with his/her WEAPON TYPE, and the horrid gibbering died down. NAME slowly recovered and limped off.
  • 11-21(max) damage
  • 53 XP
  • 21-35(max) gold

Stepping on a loose block, the floor gave way under NAME. He/She landed with a splash in a room filled with enough water for a dire shark to swim in and ice floes large enough for a dire bear to stand on. When NAME landed, two such beasts were fighting. Whichever won, it seemed like NAME would lose, just like the other adventurers whose skeletons littered the room.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,11,12,13,14)

The dire shark ripped the dire bear to pieces. NAME wisely waited on an ice floe until the dire shark swam by, and then ruthlessly slew it. As the dire bear clawed the dire shark to death, NAME wished the shark had been a little smarter. While he/she survived the fight with the dire bear, he/she had been pretty roughly handled.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 22-35 gold

Charisma (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME noticed an odd spot on the floor that looked like a hidden trapdoor. Unfortunately, there was no way around it. NAME backed up for some running room and then leaped with all his/her might. It wasn't enough. NAME plunged through the trapdoor, barely managing to grip the wall during the fall. Dangling over a deadly drop, NAME couldn't do anything but call for help.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

Pleading with whoever might be there, NAME was relieved to hear a dwarven voice shout a reply. Soon a scruffy-looking dwarven miner poked his head over the edge. "Whatcha doing down there?" he asked. "Here, grab my rope and I'll haul you up." The dwarf pulled NAME up. He/She offered to pay the miner, but the miner declined, "Nah, you look like you need it more than me. In fact, take some of this ore."
  • 155 XP
  • 79-128 gold
NAME called out, but at first no one answered. Then a dwarven voice yelled at him/her to shut up. Eventually, NAME couldn't hold on any longer and fell screaming to the bottom of the pit. It was painful, but at least he/she found some loot at the bottom from other dead adventurers. Then NAME noticed a trail of footholds leading upwards. Feeling silly, he/she made the tiring and arduous climb out of the pit.

NAME fell prey to a clever trap and was imprisoned with five other adventurers. As they explained they had been stuck there for a day or so, a horrid illithid entered the room. "One of you will live and serve me eternally, while the others . . . well . . ." While it was a terrible situation, NAME had to think of himself/herself at that point.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,11,12,13,14)

NAME was able to convince the illithid that all of them would be excellent helpers if only it could see them in action. The illithid opened the cage and, as it talked to NAME, the others struck. After a quick but brutal battle, the illithid and one of the adventurers laid dead. NAME's cunning plan worked and he/she was rewarded for his/her efforts. As they buried their fallen comrade, they each swore a promise to meet on this date every year and commiserate. NAME convinced the illithid that of course, he/she would be the best servant out of the bunch. As the illithid opened the gate, he/she played on the illithid's hunger, and made a break for the door. As he/she escaped, he/she heard the horrible screams of the others as they met a terrible fate. He/She was also able to sneak back later and recover some loot.
  • 11-21 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 22-34 gold

Constitution (0)[]

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME entered a room that held astoundingly clean and clear diamonds inset in the walls. Carefully, he/she neared one of them, taking care not to touch it. However the click he/she heard below him/her indicated he/she should've looked more closely at the floor. A stream of deadly acid shot from the opposite wall directly at him/her.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,11,12,13,14)

NAME managed to dodge most of the acid. Now NAME knows how those diamonds got so clean . . . all the better for selling.
  • 4-10(max) damage
  • 158 XP
  • 79-140(max) gold
The brunt of the acid blast missed NAME, but he/she was still struck. As NAME tended to his/her wounds, he/she realized the acid baths would keep those diamonds in wonderful shape, and pocketed the few that were within safe reach.
  • 11-21 damage
  • 50 XP
  • 20-34 gold

Intelligence (2 + 2 rare)[]

Encounter Text Dungeon
Success Results Failure Results

NAME found a nearly empty room with three large circular depressions in the floor and three large spheres in the center of the room. Studying them, NAME began to work out the pattern to solve this odd puzzle.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,11,12,13,14)

NAME decoded the ancient script inside each depression enough to determine the order, although he/she had to make an educated guess on which sphere went where. His/Her ingenuity was rewarded as a large ruby shot from the floor between the depressions, revealing a handle to a hidden door to other parts of the dungeon.
  • 159 XP
  • 86-140(max) gold
NAME was able to figure out the numbers in the ancient script written on the spheres, but that's as far as he/she got with it. Taking a guess, she/he placed the heavy spheres in the depressions at random, and was rewarded with a billowing poisonous cloud. Once he/she recovered somewhat, he/she tried again, and a large ruby shot from the floor between the depressions, revealing a handle to a hidden door to other parts of the dungeon.
  • 11-20 damage
  • -7 Dexterity for 3 encounters
  • 51 XP
  • 21-34 gold

Not every swamp has pod demons in it, but this one sure did. Everyone knows that Pod Demons spawn little copies of themselves to outflank their opponents. Everyone also knows that the little ones can explode to injure those around them and that the big one can transfer itself to a little one whenever it wants. The question for NAME was how could he/she use this knowledge to his/her advantage in the fight.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #10,11,13,14)

By throwing very small rocks into a patch of reeds surrounded on three sides by overgrown cypress trees, NAME tricked the Pod Demon and all four of its little clones into crowding into the small space looking for what prey might be making the splashing sounds. Then, with expert timing, he/she all of them at once with his/her WEAPON. The Pod Demonhad [sic] been carrying chains in homage to the Chained God, and several miniature treasure chests were attached to those chains.
  • 150 XP
  • 81-116 gold
Thinking to catch all four clones and the main demon with one attack, NAME boldly charged them through the reeds. The clones had ample space to spread out and surround NAME thus gaining a big advantage over him/her in combat. One of the clones exploded right in his/her face. Ouch! Realizing he/she had made a big mistake, NAME charged right back out of there and had to run for 15 minutes before he/she felt safe enough to rest.
  • 7-17 damage
  • 40 XP

Turning a corner in the hall to find a dead end, NAME saw a glowing figure. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" Looking at NAME intensely, he said "You look really familiar . . . . Regardless, you now face the challenge of Plurbius!" Behind Plurbius appeared a gnome, a glowing intricate amulet, a sack of corn, and a small rowboat, as well as a raging river. Plurbius continued, "You must use the rowboat to get all the . . . hey!" Plurbius shouted as he watched the gnome rowing downriver, eating the corn from the sack. Dejectedly Plurbius watched his puzzle float downstream. "Well forget it, no challenge of Plurbius . . . here, take the amulet, you might as well." Plurbius dismissively tossed the amulet to NAME.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4,5,6)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,10,12,14)

NAME realized there was no way something as dangerous as a gnome would have left the two of them alive and drew his WEAPON TYPE. Plurbius, alarmed by NAME 's actions, stepped back quickly and fell into the river. As Plurbius hit the water, the deadly gnome rose up from the froth and dragged Plurbius down screaming. NAME then took the boat and headed downstream. The corn wasn't half bad either.

NAME looked over the amulet suspiciously as she/he tried to find the exit. NAME found a secret door, but as he/she opened it, the tricky gnome exploded from beneath the waters of the river and attacked. Plurbius and NAME fought furiously against the gnome, but it succeeded in wounding them both before Pluribus smothered it with the bag of corn. With his head in his hands, Plurbius waved NAME off.
  • 9-15 damage
  • 100 XP
  • 65-92 gold

NAME entered a small torch-lit room with a small pool of silvery liquid. Suddenly, the torches blew out and a glowing figure appeared floating above him. "Welcome, I am Plurbius!" He waved an arm toward a glowing pool and said, "If you'll look into the scrying pool please." Slowly an image formed in the pool of a young elven woman in front of an eerie tower. She looked right at NAME and said, "This famous owner's magnificent mansion has housed more than one weary adventurer. Ask who was he." Stunned, Plurbius looked at the pool, then at you. "Huh? I'm supposed to ask the riddles."

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

"Who is . . . uh . . . he?" NAME said. "Thank you," the elven woman said and then vanished. "What? That's it? That's the answer? This is ludicrous!" Pluribus fumed. "Fine then. Move along! And take that crap with you." "Who is . . . uh . . . Mordenkainen's?" NAME stammered. The elven woman frowned and shook her head before vanishing. "Huh? That's what I would have guessed. Better luck next time. See you 'round kid." said Pluribus before vanishing too.
  • 85 XP
  • 49 gold

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME had finally found a clear area of the dungeon when the doors began to seal shut with huge stone slabs. He/She quickly grabbed the bottom of the slabs in an attempt to keep from being sealed in.

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

NAME heaved the slab back up into its recess and was able to run out of the room. On the other side of the wall, he/she was able to salvage some machinery from the trap to sell for gold.
  • 155 XP
  • 83-128(max) gold
NAME heaved, but the slab didn't budge. He/She propped it open with a rock and slid under. As NAME was most of the way through, it gave way and crushed his foot. At least he/she found some gold hidden in the opening.
  • 10-17 damage
  • 49 XP
  • -3 Dexterity for 5 encounters
  • 19-30 gold

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME came upon a group of gricks. Not seeing any way around them, he/she tried to remember what gricks hated to make this fight easier.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in Cult of the Lizard God, encounter #3,4)

(found in Dungeon of Dread, encounter #7,12)

(found in Tower of Darkness, encounter #9)

Gricks hate light! NAME lit up several torches before he/she ran into the fray, and finishing the gricks was easy work. Thinking back to a story a friend had told him/her, he/she cut them open and found a valuable gem in one of the stomachs.
  • 5-9 damage
  • 155 XP
  • 79-128 gold
Gricks hate noise, right? NAME shouted as he/she ran into the fray, drawing the gricks' attention before they fell upon him/her. No, it definitely wasn't noise . . .
  • 10-20 damage
  • 57 XP
  • 21-31 gold

Level 11[]

<noinclude> For future additions, please Do not edit following text

Ability (X)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results


(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

